Wednesday, January 27, 2016

BUNNY'S as pets

Bunny's make great pets they love to be handled i have two sweet bunny's.  bunny's need two have a good size cage so they can exercise and play they need to have chew toy's because their teeth never stop growing they all so need to have a little houses  that they can hide in. they all so need to have a glass bottle that they can drink from. and a ceramic bool for their food. (: (: (: (: (:(:(:   

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Turtles make great pets. I have two and they are Eastern painted turtles Named joy and nippy they are still baby's so they are super cute. Eastern Painted turtles live in America and like to live in swamps  and ponds they do not  like to live in streams . 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ben Franklin

Ben franklin proved that lightning was Electricity with a kite that he put a key on. He later became famous of his discovery   ben franklin had a son. no one new where he came from. ben  franklin fell in love with a girl named Debby she loved him to so they got married on September 1st 1730 ben franklin and Debby had two children franky who was born in 1732.  He died of smallpox  when he was only 4. sally was born in 1743. 

baby turtle

today is January 23  and i want  to get a   baby turtle on Tuesday from a baby red ear'd slider  

Friday, January 22, 2016


frogs do not drink water from their mouth  instead they absorb it with their skin  if frogs run out of water they can get dehydrated this is very bad for frog's most frogs will die if they are capt  this way for a day or two.  But frog's that live in the rain forest will not die this way not that much because   in the rain forest it rains a lot.   frogs are now day's capt as pet's  and are very nice pet's.   But some owners don't  give their pet frogs enough to eat or drink or not give them the right tempter  and sadly frogs die if their owner do's not give them what thay need. 

frogs need to have a nice bulb that is abut 69 to 75 whats and a lot of nice plants and wood that they can hide in they  also need crickets  and other tips of bug's.

play dough

Today is January 22  I made play-dough  yesterday. I made a dog out of it.

books i read

I read books like biographies and some books i Have read are 600 pages Long i relay Love too read  when i wake up i go to my couch and start reading some books that are only 150 pages long i can read thous in an hour or less books that are bigger like  600 pages long take me abut 2 to 3 weeks but  i relay normally read books abut  165 pages long  when ever i go to read i just cant stop  to read because its so interesting some times i miss going out side or eating (: i can read abut 167 in 40 minutes  to 1 hour . i rely love(: (: to read. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wolfgang amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang learned  how to play 3 instruments when he was 8 years old he learned how play the organ and the violin and the clavier which was an old_Fashioned stringed instrument that also had a keyboard. he traveled a lot to places where the played for rich people for instance the Empress some kings and Queens. one day Wolfgang fell in love with the empress's daughter and asked her too merry him but she was already engaged to the French prince. later after they lifted papa Leopold got sick and Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl   could not play any music for that wold disturb papa Leopold so Wolfgang composed a symphony for seven weeks an-till papa Leopold got better.  Soon papa Leopold got better but soon after  Wolfgang and nannerl got small pox which was  not good at all most people died from it ): papa Leopold and their mother were very worried wold the children die.  Luckily they got better (:   when wolfgang was older he got married to Constance weber.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Louis Armstrong

when arm strong was  a boy he loved music one day his friend  shot a fake   gun and Louis liked it so he shot a real gun and a Police  man  heard him he said that shouting  was ageist the law so he put Louis in the colored Waif's Home for boy's. were boys went when they were too Yong for jail  but Fortunately he learned he how to play the Cornet and played it pitifully his manger was Impress"t so he mad him leader of the boy's      Later when he grew up he joined a club for music that had his super star in it Joe Oliver who was super famous after a while a new member joined their music club it was a girl who played the piano her  name was Lil Louis loved her and married her later they divorced because they were unhappy together

and he married a new girl who was named    Lucille Wilson she was a perfect wife for him    Louis died on July 6  1971, he died in his sleep.   but he did some amazing things in his life he had a good and hared life.

Monday, January 11, 2016


another i is named Synopsis   the trapped door spider hides under the ground and comes out when prayI me learned about 3 spiders to day 1 is called the trap door spider another 1 is named the orb spider  comes. the Synopsis spider go's to it's pray  and the orb spider makes webs and whats till it's pray co

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


what makes an atom? 

atoms are made of smaller particles called protons neutrons and electrons. Electrons contain a negative electric charge Neutrons don't have any charge the protons ans neutrons group together to make the nucles

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


So Bernini was a sculptor and architect.  he carved David  out of marble. his style was not like Michelangelo, his style was called baroque Michelangelo's style was a Renaissance style  

Monday, January 4, 2016

ELECTRIC STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We refer to the amount of water vapor in the air as humidity. 

the more water  vapor there is the more humid the air is. 

Energy is what makes things move or change.   the sun provides our planet with tremendous amounts of energy. the sun's  heat and light make earth and the air around it heat up . and when the sun isn't out, things cool down. these changes cause many different kinds of weather. 2
The sun heats the earth and makes the air   near the surface hot. when this air rises  it makes warm gusts of air called updrafts. thanks to updrafts, water vapor that evaporates, from lakes and oceans  travels high into the sky where it forms clouds. 3
A front  is the boundary between two masses of air that have different temperatures and humidity. since could air is heavier than warm air , it pushes warm air up ans out of the way.4

the higher you travel in the atmosphere the cooler  the air is warm air rises but it becomes cooler as it moves away from the sun-heated earth . it continues to rise because it is still warmer  than the surrounding air. cooler air makes water vapor cool down too . Eventually, it cools enough to condense into into a liquid tiny water droplets group together to make clouds! when you see a cloud you really  looking at millions of water droplets  

did you now that cumulonimbus clouds can reach heights of more than 9 miles (15 km) high!