This year I got really into reading and writing both. I love telling stories and drawing them. Sometimes I write them down, other times I just draw the pictures and tell them out loud. I think I started like 50 stories this year. I didn't finish them all, but my imagination is always thinking of new ideas and stories.
I read the Misty Inn series and I am now reading all the Roald Dahl books. I think I like reading almost as much as Matilda.
Our family also read tons of books together and my brother wrote them all down in a list on his blog. I liked the ones about brave kids the best like Pollyanna and Heidi and Little Men. I also loved Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
This year for history I read a lot of those little biography books that tell you about people's lives. I read about a lot of interesting people. Some of them had hard lives but they all did amazing things that changed the world.
My best friends are still my animals. I have 40 now and this year we got 5 new chicks, parakeets, and finches (who had 3 babies which I helped care for). I take care of all of my animals every day and it's a lot of work. Sometimes they even get sick and I have to go research how to care for them or help them get better. I'm the youngest in my family but I know more about animals than anyone else here.
One of my favorite things I did this year was to observe animals and insects in nature. I saw lady bugs laying eggs and being born as larva. I saw bald eagles, wild turkey babies and a baby vole. I also love watching the fireflies in our yard in the summer at night. I found some amazing butterflies and I think I even saw a swallow tail butterfly in our yard. There is so much to see in nature but you have to stop and look closely and observe.
This year I am working on learning all my multiplication tables and I did a lot of math games with my dad and on the computer.
This year I painted a flower vase with acrylic and put it in the kids show at the Newburyport Art Association. A lady bought my painting which I was really excited about. I also won an art contest online for a drawing of a family of foxes that had lost their home and who were starting over.
I love drawing stories most of all and also making things out of clay.
I am writing songs a lot now. Most of them I just think up as I go and sing them with my whole heart.
I was in a singing show in Andover and I did a solo song at our church for a talent show, but I am happy to sing anywhere someone will listen. I am also still learning the piano and did Greensleeves and now I am learning I will Always Love you.