"Maeve Bryne Was no ordinary girl who lived in a world long ago that most of us have forgotten long long ago,-"
Our school teacher
Miss Shuttle began telling us this story from long long ago. Personalty I HATE history but this story/lecture seemed different somehow, I kept listening,
"-She was a girl of her word a girl for her bravery a girl of faith that even if she jumped of a the highest cliff in the universe she would still survive, but most importantly a girl of her music and speed, and this my fellow students is her story, Open up you history books to page 147 " she finished this sentence with a very slight odd smile on her face she was looking right at me... odd..
I groaned who cared about this Maeve Bryne?? anyways she was just one more red head Irish girl...but something inside of me felt differently like here story had more to say than any of the other tales. I Skipped through a bunch of pages until I came to the last history story in the book It was titled Rosemary Hills. I checked the page number yup 147 so this Maeve Bryne girl maybe liked Rosemary?
I laughed and began to read:
Hello Journal! My Name is Maeve. I am more happy than words could possibly ever tell to open this old blank paged book and start to write. I am more than honored to know how to read and write. My grandfather Martin, you see taught me. I have tried to teach Sean and the others but only Sean cares for such thing's and even he has Barely enough time to practice his ABC'S with all the work he does in town. My sister Deirdre thinks I am quite foolish to wish to teach others and to keep trying to learn more about letters and reading, but I found this old book up by the creek yesterday and hence I would very much so like to began to write a journal, as Martin used to call it. Life was so different with out Grandfather Martin around. I feel my face droop just thinking of him. Today it is raining even more than yesterday!-
Huh that's funny I thought, an auto bigography and it was I gasped hand written! I bit my lip.. hmm I looked around no one else in the class seemed to notice anything different, odd... I read on
Da Says that if the rain keeps falling like this the potatoes will never have a mere chance to start to grow. I worry every day for Da. He is only gettin' thinner and thinner. I worry for Kind Sean, Boisterous Daniel, Sweet Branna, Crazy Cassidy, Caring Cara, Brave Fianna, Pretty Nuala, Gorgeous Deirdre, Calm Callum and Shy Aiden. I wonder if any of them worry for me 13 year old Maeve.
Wow that's a lot of siblings. I thought about my one sister Mae and my guinea pig Johnny. Hey her sister Nuala had my same name how cool, I thought to myself.
Poor Nuala is so thin that on her sweet pretty little face you could see her cheekbones poking out Only me and 'er have journals to write in she has had one longer than iv' had. We are all so hungry but we are forced because the stupid earl to eat so very little. My own stomach growls and the hole in it only grows larger by the second. For all I know the hole could soon grow big enough to eat me all up!!
Wow this was so much sadder history when is is written as a auto biography and I'm still in the first page! I thought I kept reading:
I miss Ma. Only me Da, Deirdre and Sean can remember her and every time I think of her tears fill up in my face. The Ma I barely knew was warm loving and caring. The last thing I Remember her telling me was:
"Be good my little astore' and never give up. never even when everything around you is crumbling. My little one push through the stones and even if you get stuck lift that stone right off your foot. Love others and be kind. have faith my dear. be brave my little warrior. For me please take care of your da. and most of all take care of this land, our land Ireland" " I Will Ma I will"
I had promised her. It seemed like so long ago.
I remember those words so Clearly it's liked they where glued in my mind. Anyways I know ma wouldn't be happy if I just sit around and mope,so I am going to go on a quick lil ru'n.
Hmm, I think Now the history book changes to a new type of hand written script,
I see Maeve Race across the field, Crossing it, ( a 200 ft field) in the blink of and eye I could barely say
"Maeve Makes a Monstrous, Mudbluckling run across the moor!" Before she would cross it. She was that fast, And I Nuala Bryne have never no never seen anyone who can run faster than her ( of course I haven't really seen anyone run well, accept for old Mrs Morris runnin' anwyas she runs away from a mouse in her ol' house practically every hour' but let me tell you she is fast when she runs away for the lil rascals) I now see Maeve dissapear into the woods. ( I time her now she is almost at the first mile mark and her time is at 4.05!) I write all this as I sit on a ol stump the ink I have made is form the wild poison blood berry's that fill da woods. -
I stop reading, Her sister Nuala ( The one sister who shares my name!) is writing this! and oh! I make a very loud gasp I can feel some of the students eyes staring at me and I hear Lexi Kawi smirk and laugh
" What's So Intriguing- ( She smirks again not before checking her new I phone 14 premium when it rings ) -about Boring old Maeve Jiknins and her Ancient Grandma? who goodness knows why is still alive in this story."
Tom Miller laughed at this but then again he laughs at everything and anything Lexi says.
( everyone knows he's sweet on her)
nobody else said anything and I turn back to the story my mind blurred whirling, and confused,
What did Lexi mean Maeve Jiknins HER NAME was not Maeve Jinkins but Maeve Bryne... And she did not have a Grandma the I knew of..
and she had run a 4.05 minuet mile ( WHY WAS that not surprising to these kids!)
even I girl who never had run in her life knew that that was fast very fast for a young girl. why was this so confusing!! what was going on? I tried ( And failed) to clear my mind of my worries I turned back to reading it had switched to Maeve's writing.
My Personal best new record i ran a 10.3 2 miles !