Wednesday, January 1, 2014


  1. I am going to tell you basically about the muscles and how to use them. First of all you must power up your muscles before you go exercising. Also muscles are not used alone when racing. They work as a team wit the heart and lungs and oxygen. Sometimes if you start running right away very fast without breathing enough oxygen you might end up getting a side ache. So before you do any exercise you need to warm up and stretch the muscles. 
  2.   I am so grateful for my body. I feel very blessed to exercise on a daily base. I take my dog outside in nature with my brothers and my mom and sometimes with my dad when he is home not working. Sometimes it is hard to do during the winter because it is very cold outsidebut when i get dressed in my snow gear meaning my snow pants, gloves, hats, snow jacket, boots, then i am ok. It's actually kind of hard to run as fast as i can during the warm months because of all of my clothes. But it is so worth getting out even during the cold winter days. And of course my dog Sophie - a yellow lab absolutely loves every minute of being outside.

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