Thursday, October 20, 2016


Chapter 1!

One fine Winter evening Alexandra was reading her book when Alexander  her Twin came in. 

At the age of 12 Alexandra Had learned most of the things you need to know but not all. She loved reading books more than anything in her life. She read & read so many books that her mother called her a bookworm. She was a twin too. Alexander  was her Twin he was also 12, but he hated to learn and spent  most of his time playing, sleeping & eating. 

Alexandra had long golden hair the same color as her father's which she loved to comb.

She normally wore a long dress the color of the sea but today she was wearing jeans and a t-Shirt. 

Alexander always wore shorts.  Black if possible, but often blue & red too. His hair was brown like his mother's and he was not a very popular kid.     

"Hey what are you doing?"  Alexander Said. 

"Can't You see i am reading" She answered 

"Oh ya of course you are that's all you do". He Teased. 

"Oh for goodness Sake! Mom wishes you would do it too. All you do is be Lazy! All day." 

"Are you Kidding? I like always have fun all you do is learn! The boring Part of life!". 

"Its not boring! it is Super fun if you would just....." 

She could not finish her sentence. A loud growl Came from the Backyard Woods.

(ARRR!GGRR)!!!! it was so Scary that Alexander fainted right there. 

There was a Legend that in those Woods there lived a Orc who killed everything he saw and who growled as loud as death!!! Could the Legend be True!!  there was only one way to find out...

Chapter 2

Alexandra Shivered & froze!  Was she crazy! Why in the whole wide world was she thinking to go and find out if it was Herod! 

If i do, whatever made that sound will surely Kill ME! 

But she was so curious! She would have nightmares if she did not find out what made that noise. It could come in her room in the night and get her! 

Could it be Herod but she had always thought  it was just an old legend not real. When they had first bought this house the old house keeper had said it was a legend, but in a scary sort of way almost as if it was not a legend! 

She shivered again. Mom & Dad were out shopping but the House Keeper was in the Garden. She must have heard it and Fainted like Alexander. 

Alexander Began to wake up.  He had just fainted a few minutes ago.   

Alexandra Could not help it anymore she had to find out  what that sound Was even thou it was the most dangerous thing she had ever done in 12 Years! 

She put on her red boots and her gray coat and went outside in the bitter coldness and grayness. 

Beyond the House were the woods. The wind blew the trees in the woods. She went to go on Her motor bike so she could ride to the  Woods but she first decided to check to see if the House Keeper was still in the Garden.  

Sure enough there was the house keeper but she had fainted and her white hair blew in the Wind.  Alexandra Could hear her twin brother using the faucet up stairs. 

She looked at the the motor bike and began to walk towards it. She got it on turned it on and then out of nowhere came a super duper strong wind which pushed her motor bike so fast she thought she was at least going 700 Miles per hour.

The wind lashed against her lips and hair she heard her brother going down stairs and then silence. She could not open her eyes. She did not hear anything and she was scared to death. For a Moment she could not think then finally everything stopped and she found herself in a small village that looked like it was the 1800s. 

She was scared and noticed her clothes had changed to rags. She looked around her. It was very sunny and looked as if it was around 7:30 in the morning. She heard roosters crow and peoples' shoes touch the ground. What Had happened!  

Chapter 3 

Mean while Alexander had  been watching the hole entire thing he was scared and astonished were had Alexandra gone he thought! Where ever she had gone she had not brought the motor bike with her Alexander thought maybe if he went on it the same thing would happen. Finally he decided to try he new mom & dad would come home soon and ask were had Alexandra gone?  what would he say they would never believe him if he said oh she went on the motor bike and diapered  with out it!  so he put his cot and Boots on and went out side to go on the motor bike. He went on it and turned it on he waited for a second nothing a minute nothing? he looked towards the woods and Then he heard a Old lady's voice say "What do you think your Doing!" she said Alexander Turned around  to see the Housekeeper looking at him her green Eyes gleamed in the moon light. " did you here that growl from the woods?" 

"What growl you kid get back Upstairs i don't want your parents to see you out here! at this time of day!" 


"No But's get upstairs now!"  

Alexander Looked  at the woods and thought Where could She be!. 

Chapter 4 

Meanwhile Alexandra was Running around the village  she pushed thru people and their Where some Cries like "watch it Kid" and "Get out of my way" She was in a hurry to find out Where in the world was she! She imagined her asking someone "Um Where am I and What time is It?" but that sounded Ridiculous! They would properly say "go home kid.  What would she do no one seemed to be nice hear and no one wanted to help her she felt alone and scared. Then out of Nowhere came a very Weird looking woman She noticed that every body bowed to her as she walked thru the crowed When she came close to Alexandra. Alexandra did not bow. The woman stared at her and Alexandra Begin to Bow. She had been  Looking at the woman and thinking how weird bye the time the woman got to her she was still thinking abut it until the woman glared at her then she realized she was not bowing. The woman gave her one last Glance and moved on. "Phew" Mumbled Alexandra She walked on ward hoping that That women would not come back.  The woman scared her out of her Bones The woman that she saw had Gray eyes a Dark green dress and a black robe. She looked like she was powerful since all the people bowed to her but she was defiantly not the Queen. Because She had the look of someone who was powerful but not the look of A Queen. "Well i Guess i will keep on looking said Alexandra under her berth. 

Chapter 5.  

Meanwhile Alexander was in his room worrying Abut Where in the world Alexandra had gone? 

"Where in the world is she did she die? did she go To outer space? how will i find her? or will i  never find Her?????" 

He worried that Mom and dad would come home soon and he would not Know what to tell them? 

He Laid  on his bed wondering what To do? if i go outside the House keeper will find me and tell me to go back up stairs. Then he had a brilliant idea If Alexandra had gone somewhere she would have had a reason He did not have a reason so That is why he could Not go to to were she was on the Motor bike. But why was she their? well Maybe because of something she did what does she do well i Know she reads and paints and sings but    i Hate all of that stuff! i need better clues were could she be!. 

Meanwhile  Alexandra was  Noticing what The other people did. she noticed That  everyone did thing  the same way they walked and Talked the same way it was very weird People wore robs  and darker Clothes.  The children wore rags like she did some wore black rags some wore gray rags some wore brown and some were white and some wore Tan rags. Alexandra wore Tan rags. they were pretty dirty! but she did not care abut what she looked like now. Then all of a sudden she realized that If it was the 19 hundreds her Great Great Great Aunt would be alive and her  Great Great Great Aunt was the Empress of Austria in the 1900s could of that lady she saw have been Her Great Great Great.  Aunt and The Empress as well!  Most likely she lady she saw was her Great Great Great Aunt she was almost positive. she was so happy Their was someone in this unknown Village that she New. the only problem was That her  Great Great Great Aunt did not  Know her!  She still did not Know why in the world she was sent hear could it maybe be because of her  Great Great Great Aunt! 

Chapter 6  Meanwhile 

Alexander has just heard a weird voice it sounded like The house Keeper was talking to someone But their was No one else in the house. he decided to see who she was talking to it was very strange.   the house keeper seemed to always be strange could she be magic? of course not what am I thinking magic is not real! Alexander murdered to him self But a scary thought in side of him said it Might be you never Know!? The other side of him said Are you crazy of course its not real if it was it would of all ready happened  to you! the other side said Magic only works if it has to maybe it has to Now.! 

"Stop That" Alexander said out loud  he walked to were the house keepers voice was coming from it was coming from her room He could  just make out a few words like this. 

But Herod Must not die he is the GREATEST demon alive!"

He shivered Was she talking abut  the legend Herod! the Orc He slowly opened the door   their on front of him was a witch and a goblin his eyes trailed to one side of the room where the couch was their was the house Keepers hair  Or wig and her Clothes and HE...RR MASK! it was too much for his brain all he relay new was the house keeper was a witch! That was relay scary and weird  and that Herod was real and that Magic was too and that goblins were real too!! this was weird very weird. Then a Deep Old lady voice said "WHAT ARG YO DOING HERE!"   "Um what are you doing here!" 

"Oh get out of here Little Kid Now!" 

"But this is my home and you should get out of It not me" just then he saw a portal it said on it I LEAD TO TIME he thought it might lead to Alexandra! it was in the room but it did not look at all normal it looked well UN normal It was his only chance! he began to run but the witch saw this she Yelled "GRUBBER PUSH THAT BUTTON NOW IT WILL CLOSE THE PORTAL TO TIME HE IS ABUT TO ENTER" "Alexander ran as fast as he had ever run in his hole life with all of his Strength  he  Thru himself in the portal Seconds after the Portal closed.   "YOU IDIOT FASTER! THAT WAS AS SLOW AS A SLUG!"   Inside of the Time Machine  were buttons like some said 20099 That was way in the future did she go in the future Maybe. He did  not have Enough time to think he had to just Click a button the witch could open the door any second he saw 19 hundreds and looked at 18 hundreds And 17 hundreds he fell to the ground he fainted just as he fell his foot hit 19 hundreds. The time machine went up and disappeared. THE witch yelled and yelled but it all faded away. 

Chapter 7  


Alexandra Had over heard people  talking abut a party the Empress was holding at the  Grand Palace and everyone was invited. She also heard people say things like last year only royals were invited they said it in a exited ton. Oh my Alexandra thought  this was a perfect Opportunity for her to meet her Great Great Great Aunt! she just had to find out when it was! So with all of Her Remaining Strength Alexandra went up to a Woman and Asked her very politely. "Excuse me Mam Do you Know when the Ball is? I mean  what Day it is and what Time?" 

"Child how very strange you would want to go" said the lady. 

"Well i must say it is at 5.30 pm to 12.30 pm and it is Tomorrow But may i ask of your name?" The lady said 

"Yes of course" said  Alexandra  "My name is Alexandra Elinor Carson. That is my firs middle and last name". 

"What a lovely name" said the lady.   "You look yourself  a lot like the Empress" Then The lady  Turned pale in the face. and said "That is the Empress Last name well was her last name Before she married" "So does this mean she is your Mother grandmother or Aunt"       

"She is my Aunt" Alexandra did not dare to say Great Great Great Aunt because the lady  Would Know she was from another time. 

"Am i sure you are not lying" said the lady  

Alexandra looked at her with truthful eyes and said 

"I am not lying all I speak of is the truth" she could not help feeling that she was lying a little bit. 

"Well  Ill be darned" said the lady and walked Away well i will have to figure out how to survive out here for a day i am lucky its not in a week. she thought.  The She got up ran to a local market she shoved her hand in her pocket and felt for money she did not have any money is her pocket but she did have a Bran new sock she remembered that she had in her pocket Before she had got hear. She ran up to the lady at the cashier and Showed her the sock The lady liked it and handed her a small piece of bread for it she smiled and went to help another costumer. Well i am not used to just bread but it will have to do. she new it was the only thing she would be able to eat in at least a day. 

Chapter  8 


Alexander was in the time machine he had just woke up from fainting. When he woke up he could barely remember if he was in his bed or he had just jumped into a Time Machine! He got up  and looked out of the Small window in the Time Machine! he Could See small buildings! Then he remembered he had fainted Who? had clinked  the button to witch time then he Landed with the time machine and A loud sound coming form inside the Time Machine said you have reached the 1900s   he walked out The time machine door and saw Someone Peculiar. 

End of book one Please read book 2 to find out what happens thank you for reading also when you read my books please listen  to this music Bryan Adams hear I am. Thanks. 




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