Coutrunix quail
π€πHello! i love couturnix quail and am gonna talk about them. let us now talk about quail ok so first of all care for quail is pretty easy and i highly recommend that you get quail.
Okay so step one in care for quail is what kinda quail do you want to get? well their are many different kinds of quail such as the pharaoh quail Texas quails and sliver quail their are also mixed breeds of quail but the most common quail are jumbo brown quail. They are bigger and lay more eggs. Also quail lay a lot of eggs around 270 eggs a year but the will stop laying in the winter unless you give them a source of light. Step two so if you want quail then do you want to get them as eggs chicks or adults? i love getting mine as chicks but eggs and adults are great two adults lay quicker. Chicks are fun to play with. Eggs take the longest since they have to hatch and then they have to grow up so by the time they start laying eggs it might have been almost 5 months!!! but sometimes it takes 2 or 3 months it really depends on what you feed your chicks if you feed them a 24 percent protein
feed they should reach adult hood in about 8 weeks if you feed them 30 percent protein they the will reach adult hood in around 5 or 6 weeks. However they do reach adult hood very quickly. When caring for chicks you will need to make sure their water has pebbles or rocks in it so they will not drown you can also get a special quail water container. From tractor supply. You can buy your quail online or from a local farm. They should sell eggs chicks and adults However sometimes it is harder to find places that sell adults.
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