So we have been doing a lot of fun and interesting things this last year for home school.
Here's a list of some of them:
I read the following books this year and I think my favorite was A Girl from Limberlost because of how much she loved nature and butterflies.
The Incorrigible Children Series
Laura-Ingalls Wilder
(Plum Creek, Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy)
The Secret Garden
A Girl from Limberlost
Goose Girl
The Borrowers
The Lost World
The Princess Academy
Magic Marks the Spot
My Family and Other Animals
The Twenty One Balloons
Mister Max
A Child's History of the World V.M Hillye
The Matchlock Gun
The Who Was Series (I think I read about 50 of these books - they are a really great way to get to know people and places in history
I survived Series (These are more action packed but I think I like the Who Was books better)
I started learning Spanish this year using Duolingo
I am still drawing a lot. I especially like doing drawings for my friends to make them feel better.
I sold a sculpture this year which was a Driftwood and Shell Christmas tree at the Art show at the Newburyport Art Association.
I also got a lead role and played Jane Banks in a community production of Marry Poppins in Byfield. We had 6 shows and I had to learn a lot of lines and sometimes help others or jump in for them if they forgot their lines. It was a lot of fun
I did some experiments this year and learned how to make soap.
My favorite thing I learned about this year though was sheep.
I bought a pregnant ewe who I named Hope and I helped lamb two beautiful girls named Faith and Charity.
I had to read a lot of books about care of sheep and veterinary science
I also added ducks to my flock of nearly 60 birds (chickens, ducks and quail) and continue learning how to care for them.
I did a lot of Arithmetic on Arcademics mostly multplication
I worked on The Da Vinci Puzzle Book
We did fractions with experiments and cooking and also ways to divide up a dozen eggs
I read a fun Math adventure called Jayden's Rescue
For my animals I had to do a lot of Business Math -
I Calculated area of pasture for my animals and helped get fencing and figure out the best place to put it
I also built up my pasture raised egg business and learned how to track the money I make and & spend
Altogether it's been an exciting year and I'm enjoying the summer taking care of all my animals, reading fun books and exploring!
Monday, July 9, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Anna Liz Mary and Rose lived a simple life in their apartment with 7 brothers. I know 7! how could anyone live a simple life with seven brothers? the truth was it was not a simple life. "Mom! Henry stole James's toy! Anna called out to her mother in the mist of crying and giggling from her brothers. "Just tell Henry to give it back Anna I am busy with the twins right now! Roger and Jack giggled from the room where their mother stood trying to put bow ties on them. "Look I am a girl like Mary!" Roger said as he held one of the bow ties to his head like a bow "Hey that's my bow tie! Jack said hitting roger till roger let go of the bow tie in pain to rub his arm. "Anna Anna come quick!" Liz cried form the other room "Ben just got knocked out by Collin!" Anna cried and said "I can't right now I am trying to get James toy back!" from the other room roses shouts rose higher than even her brothers giggling and crying. "You nasty little thing! give me my shoes back!!" Alexander just giggled harder and said "Try to catch me!" just then Mary came rushing into the room "Mom peter clogged the toilet with his cookies!" Anna almost died if it wasn't for roses high soprano shout that silenced the rooms "EVERYONE QUIET!!!!!" everyone fell quiet in surprise Henry dropped the toy and Alexander dropped the shoes and the twins dropped their bow ties quick as a wink after Rose Anna and their mom all ran to pick up the things and Anna gave her toy back to James and brought him up the stairs into his room so Henry could not steal the toy again rose grabbed her shoes and put them on quicker than ever. And their mom successfully grabbed the boy ties and put them on the twins with many words to make sure they stayed in place before she headed up to the bathroom to de clog the toilet then quickly helped Ben become conscious again then the family settled down and watched tv
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
The Hidden Forest
Chapter one
July, 12 1965,
Faith sighed deeply as she walked into the small grocery store In her small town It was only a few blocks from her house. She saw Mrs Rogers as she walked in and waved to her as she passed by her but stopped walking immediately after Mrs Rogers began to speak.
"Hello Faith I hear you mothers gotten the old cold let her know that I miss her visits and that I can not wait till she feels better"
"Will do Mrs Rogers" Faith replied hastily
"Oh Just call me Jane" Mrs Rogers said kindly.
Faith nodded and went into the fruit department of the small store A very young lady was standing their who looked about 18 or 19 she had short black hair and glasses she also had a name tag on and a apron she soon noticed Faith and kindly said
"Hello Welcome to Natalie's Goodies can I help you?
"No Thank you Mam I think I can manage I just came for some apples and oranges". Faith replied simply
"Alright let me know if you need any help" and then she walked away.
As soon as she got home she ran upstairs and plopped onto her bed but soon her little sister Clara walked into her room "Mom needs you to care for the twins
Sunday, May 27, 2018
The open meadow
I am going to tell you the story of quadruplicates sisters. All identical but one. And this story will tell you all about their lives.
Chapter One Time Time Time.............!
"Are we there yet?" Snowdrop asked "Not yet Snowdrop I already told you not for another hour!" Snowdrops father said strictly for he was a very strict man. Daisy laughed in the far back with her sister Delilah and Daffodil Snowdrops dad exploded "Girls you will all have time out when we get home you are all so nasty right now!" "George dear don't be so cross to the girls I mean Daisy Delilah and Daffodil not Snowdrop of course"
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Mary Potter book 1 How?
I am going to tell you a story about a girl called Yrrah rettop and there is more to her name than you would think.
It was a cold morning An Mrs And Mrs Dursley kissed their little baby boy Dudley good morning "Rise and shine Twinkle Tum Tum!' Mrs Dursley said to her chubby baby boy Dudley. Dudley whined and screamed kicking Mr Dursley with his chubby foot "The little tyke he loves daddy so much" He smiled and said "Petunia we have ourselves a little sweetheart" "We do" They looked at their little sweetheart while meanwhile in a house miles away something quite different was happening. Lilly and James Pottor where sitting on their front step reading to there little baby boy Harry when suddenly a dark shadow loomed over them and their baby Harry The shadow spoke with a deep rasping voice it growled "Goodbye Pottors" and with that it dived at James with green sparks and many screams James was gone the shadow dived at Lily. Lily guarded her infant with all her heart green sparks flew everywhere and Lilly was gone only little Harry was left there all alone with the great creature leaning over him but suddenly Harry's big sister Mary came running outside and said it a loud scream "Go away Voldemort I am not scared of you! leave my brother alone!" The creature payed no attention to her and was about to strike harry with his wand when marry pulled out her wand and cried "ANTIOLAPSCROPAGAES" The creature dived away in pain green sparks flew everywhere Harry began to cry he was bleeding at his forehead. Mary grabbed her baby brother and ran back in the house she pulled out dust from her pocket went into the fire place and said. "Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging in Surrey, England."! Green fire flew all around them and in no time at all they where at the Dursleys front porch with much hesitation she left little Harry there alone and ran away. She ran for miles until she reached a large old house it was falling apart and there was barely any paint left. the windows where shattered and their was no front door. Marry ran inside it and wend into a large room where only one closet stood she ran into the closet and into another world she climbed a large oak tree and sat in it then without a word she disappeared and reappeared in a dark valley
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Anna Beckett
Anna Beckett lived in the city all of her life until one horrible day her dad announced "We are moving to Skye"
Chapter one The Trip
"Where is Skye?" Anna's little sister Elora asked.
"Its in Scotland and the full name is The isle of Skye and you should already know that stupid!" Anna's know it all older brother Aaron answered. Anna's mother shot him a look and he shut his mouth. "I don't want to leave New York" Elora said "I want to stay here all my life" Anna felt the same way New York city was their home they couldn't just leave it all behind and go to the grassy hilltops of Scotland beside's Anna thought she hated the country with all her heart. "What are we going to do their?" Anna asked sharply "We are going to start a farm on the hillsides we have already bought the land and the farm house it is going to be a adventure" Anna's dad replied calmly. "Hmmph" Anna sat back in her seat and pretend she was so interested in her long curl of golden hair that she did not care. "What does the house look like?" Aaron asked, dad hesitated and then replied "It needs a bit of work but we can do it" "What kind of farm animals will we have?" Anna's older sister Aura asked as she put her book down. she had stayed out of the conversation until now since she was not the talkative type. "Probably sheep maybe cows" mom answered. "I was hoping for horses" Aura sighed and then dived back into her book about Wild mustangs. "Any other questions?" Dad asked. Just then Tommy, Anna's three year old brother walked in he was supposed to be asleep but he had come down. and he asked "Will Fuzzy wuzzy come too?" "Yes fuzzy will come too" Mom replied kindly with a smile on her face. fuzzy wuzzy was Tommy's stuffed animal bear. "Alright then in a week we are heading to Skye" Anna's father said happily.
Chapter two
"Are we there yet?" Aaron asked they had been flying for almost 7 hours! "Almost just 35 more minutes" Mom replied
Monday, March 19, 2018
Why i want one Pekin duck
Well first of all I love my two Khaki Campbell ducks soo much!! so much that i thought one little yellow pekin duck would be so cute and fun! she would live with the chicks. Her name would be Princess. I would easily tell if it was a boy or girl by the coloring's. Pekins lay eggs and are good for meat or pets. 225 eggs per year. And I would be the HAPPIEST girl in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU DADDY AND MOMMY!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ even happier than i already am with my two cuties! also Khaki's don't go broody so they can't hatch a ugly duckling. ☺☺☺
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Into the pasture by Skye Timothy.
Mila looked out the window of the school bus and sighed Germany used to be so great but now Nazis were everywhere. Her family was Christian not Jewish but many of her friends where Jewish her best friend Anne was sent to a concentration camp she did not even know if her friend was alive she just hoped she was. School had changed a lot to it used to be more free to learn but now you had to lean what the Nazis thought was fit. Dad had lost a lot of money to the Nazi government too so they where very poor. world war war 1 had just ended and Everything went wrong for the Germans citizens. But with all of the tragedy one thing hit Mila the most it was that for every zeppelin they had used in world war 1 250.000 cows where killed for their intestines. Mila loved animals and was so mad at all of the Germans who had made the Zeppelins. But now that world war one had ended they weren't allowed to make any more. Mila liked that a lot but recently she had seen a herd of about 800 Flekvieh cattle that where going to all be slaughtered and thrown into a junk butcher yard where they would make sausage out of them since they where no longer needed. Accept the sausage they would make would be sent to other parts of the world for more money than it was worth. Which to Mila was very cruel and unfair. She had a plan brimming up in her head that would be one of the bravest things she had ever done. Chapter one Planing
"Emma Being a faithful Nazi Myself you are not allowed to read Jewish books in my class give me that book please" Mrs Weber said as she walked up to Emma's desk. "Wait no! my mother gave me that book before she died! stop it!" Emma said as she struggled to keep her book in her hands. "Emma Fischer if you do not give me this book I shall have to tell Hitler himself she said this as she did Hitler's sign with her right hand for she was right handed. Emma gave in and gave her teacher her most prized possession her mothers book by Issac Singer her mother had died two years ago and her father was busy very busy In a concentration camp. "This will add to Hitlers collection of to be burned books". Mila sighed there where no more nice teachers only the mean faithful Nazi teaches which where never kind. She felt bad for Emma Mila herself had never lost any family members but she could imagine how it felt since her mom was hiding and she did not know where she was and her Father was taken away the day before to who knows where Mila guessed a contraction camp but she hoped it was not that bad maybe a labor camp she thought. After School she hopped onto the bus showing the Nazi guard her pass he looked at it for a few seconds and them called in a gruff voice "GO!" then he gave her back her pass and she climbed onto the the buss she took her seat at the back by Emma she wanted to tell her she was sorry for her and about her mom and dad. As Mila sat down she said "I am really sorry about the book I know how you feel Nazis came in our house yesterday and checked everything they took my dad and everything anti Nazi My mom is in hiding but I don't know where so I am kinda alone I guess I am hiding with the muller family but i miss my mom and dad bitterly." Emma looked surprised and then replied "No kidding they took my dad a few weeks ago to so I am all alone now as well I am staying with the Becker family on ridge lane we are all in hiding. When the bus stopped Mila got out of the car and waved goodbye to Emma. Emma waved back but soon she had to stop for a Nazi guard was right outside the bus. Mila manged to sneak past him because in these parts her pass would not help her the Nazis all knew her father and mother and she would probably be sent to a labor camp for kids if they caught her. The next day she awoke bright and early for she was about to plunge herself into a extraordinary adventure. "Hat shirt pants skirt net whistle.." she counted out her supplies for her adventure soon she was all packed she had food clothing aid supplies and living supplies "Time to go she said" as she rushed out the door into a world of danger and doings. Chapter two Day 1 Come on Come on!
Mila tried her best to sneak past the Nazi guards and only once she had to run to escape. Soon Mila was at her destination the cow field where she would let all of the cattle out. "Here Here" she called all of the 800 cattle began to trudge towards Mila she opened the to large gates with much of a hassle the lock was very tight even though she had got a unlocker tool it was very difficult she had to pull kick and hit which attracted some of the Nazi guards "Oh no" she said under her breath as they came running towards her "Stop in the name of Hitler" They cried But with one final kick the doors opened all the cattle ran out they knew they had to hurry Mila ran too with them "Come on Come on guys!" she ran with all of her speed all of her wishes and all of her hope "We are going to save my father find my mother and change Germany!" she cried patriotically as she ran she looked back to see the guards but to her joy and glee they had their hands on their knees and they where panting like a pair of two Hounds. By night fall Mila hade led the 800 cattle to a river near a quiet forest where they where to spend the night but just as Mila was drifting of to sleep on a large mother cow she heard men's voices this is what she heard though it was muffled "Mr Hoffmann is in the concentration camp I heard he tried to escape luckily he was caught by one of the guards Mr Koch I believe. Let us spend the night here and in the morning we can find the girl and the cattle." the gruff voice said "Yes sir tomorrow we will travel to Nazi rd" a squeaky voice said Mila gasped Mr Hoffmann was her father and he was alive! Thank goodness! but she could not spend the night here for the two voices were of the two Nazi guards who had chased her that morning they must have caught up with her on a Nazi buggie Mila guessed. Mila sat still till she heard the two men snoring then she patted the cows and whispered to them until they where all awake. Then she led them many miles away till she dropped to the ground with exhaustion the cows laid around her and they all fell asleep. Chapter two DAD! DAD! In the morning she awoke to the mooing of a bull she looked around no sign of any Nazi guards. Mila smiled and said "Okay guys now tell me your names my name is Mila." Soon she was introduced even to a non cow member of the family a little east friesan lamb who was orphaned a mother cow was caring for him Mila laughed he was so cute! soon all the cattle and the lamb had eaten their their breakfast and Mila was off with them following behind her like chicks follow the hen. They ran in the fields for hours stopping only to drink they ran past miles of pasture miles of flowers with the birds flying on top of them like magic Mila was running with all her heart and riding on the cows the fish swam on either side of them in the river Mila stood up on her knees one of the cattle and felt the wind fly past her and blew her hair she felt hope for the first time and forgot about Nazi troubles. "Lets go!!" Mila said as she led the creatures past forests rivers and pastures she would change Germany soon. As she flew by with her creatures behind her she saw three men two where Nazi's and the other one was was her dad!! "Dad Dad!!!!!!!!!" she cried as the stampede of cattle scared the guards away.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
what makes a duck float
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What makes a duck float? FEATHER COATINGS
Well it is very interesting every duck has a oil gland also known as a uropygial gland. It is located near the end of the tail. This gland secrets a special oily substance which the duck spreads over its whole body using its bill. The oil coats its feathers making them water proof. Without it the the feathers would absorb water making them significantly heavier- it would be like you swimming in the water with all of your cloths on! This water resistance also allows ducks to stay warm in cold waters as the feathers repel cold water and keep it away from the skin. INTERLOCKING FEATHERS. Ducks feathers help them float not only by repelling water but also by trapping air the feathers have tiny barbs which allow them to stick together like Velcro. This creates a balloon like effect trapping air between the feathers and skin and those air bubbles add to the natural boancy of the duck. Ducks can release those air bubbles at will which allows them to invert their bodies and submerge their heads while still bobbing at the surface. Hollow bones
like most other fowl ducks have hollow bones that make it capable for them to fly if their bones were as heavy as humans then then they would be much to heavy to fly. Their lightweight also makes it easier for them to float but not at the expense of strength this is because there bones are not hollow like a drinking straw but rather are rather filled with cross hatched woven bone materiel that gives them stability
without much weight. BUOYANT BODIES. When you hold your breath your body floats more easily because the trapped air gives it buoyancy. Ducks are able to float for a long time because of this principle but without holding their breath this is because their body is equipped with Internal air sacs that store air like balloons. Making them extremely buoyant without affecting their ability to breath.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
more about ducks
Hello i am going to get some khaki Campbell ducks!! i can't wait!! i will get them on Friday the 2nd of march 2018
Here are a five pros i learned about them. 1 They are light weight birds and full grown drakes will only reach about 5 pounds while Hens reach about 4 pounds. 2 being light weight birds they can fly but not very high it really depends on the age the gender and the personality of the duck. Some khaki's can reach about 40 feet while others have trouble flying 3 feet. 3 you do not really need a pond or pool but a large trough is recommend. 5 they have a very great personality and are great for kids. They also lay a lot of yummy eggs.
Monday, February 26, 2018
my spring ADVENTURE!
It all started on Wednesday when we went to the hardware store to get baby chicks.
Chapter one.
I walked into the chick space where all the poultry where kept my dad told me i could pick which one I wanted I smiled I pointed to 4 brown Well summer chicks. My dad called the person there to help us get them into the box and and home. The man got the four out but then said the minimum of chicks is 6 "would you like me to put two more in of the same breed?" he asked. my dad looked at me for the answer i smiled "no thank you i would rather get another breed." i walked over to the next few bins of chicks they all where cute but i wanted to see them all before i picked them. at the last bin there where ducklings i smiled at my dad an said "Can we get two ducklings?" And that's how this story begins but not even close to how it ends
Chapter two
Chapter one.
I walked into the chick space where all the poultry where kept my dad told me i could pick which one I wanted I smiled I pointed to 4 brown Well summer chicks. My dad called the person there to help us get them into the box and and home. The man got the four out but then said the minimum of chicks is 6 "would you like me to put two more in of the same breed?" he asked. my dad looked at me for the answer i smiled "no thank you i would rather get another breed." i walked over to the next few bins of chicks they all where cute but i wanted to see them all before i picked them. at the last bin there where ducklings i smiled at my dad an said "Can we get two ducklings?" And that's how this story begins but not even close to how it ends
Chapter two
Monday, February 19, 2018
the miracle on Sunday
this is the story of a miracle that happened yesterday Sunday the 18th 2018 Me and my mom where walking to the car from the indoor soccer gym when we where almost to our car a owl swept over our car but it flew so slowly and gracefully that i could immediately make out that it was a owl but it was not a snowy owl or any other kind I had seen or heard about and what was it doing in a very large university where there was litter everywhere and lots of construction going on I wondered to myself it landed on a tall poll very near us. I wanted to get a closer look so i pulled my mom down a narrow pathway leading out of the parking lot that was in the middle of construction to get a closer look as soon as I turned my head down it flew off the pole and my mom said "Look" i turned my head up up to see where it was going. it landed on a short poll on top of a huge pile of litter and dirt a little way off. Before we had seen the owl I had told my mom that maybe Heavenly father and Jesus were not real. After we had reached the spot my mom pointed out a slanting three pols wood shelter inside it there where three large white rolls with a bunch of brown rolls outside and two brown rolls inside and then one small white roll on a brown roll. "Look Skye its like the nativity!" my mom said "Yes it does!" I agreed then i realized that the owl was right in the center of the Nativity on the poll it was awesome! my mom took out her phone to take a picture but the minute she was about to take a picture it flew away me and my mom looked at each other it was a miracle to let me and her know that Heavenly father and Jesus where real and i felt a warm feeling in my heart. I know they are true know and i will never doubt again.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Narnia is a cool book and is really awesome I have finished two three of the books already Magicians Nephew. The lion the witch and the wardrobe. and Prince Caspian. And am currently reading the fourth book The Voyage of the dawn treader they all have meanings of the gospel such as the Magicians Nephew was the fall
Friday, February 9, 2018
Farmer girl Fern
Fern lived in a normal life with School, parties, sleep, eating, etc. Nothing unusual until one day when her father Johnathen announced "We are moving to a farm in Kentucky" and that's how ferns life changed and here is her story
Chapter one
"How much longer till we get there!" Cried ferns little brother James. "Just one more hour honey hang in there" Ferns mother Sara kindly said. "Father what will we do first when we get there" Ronald Ferns older brother asked. "First we will clean the place up then we will prepare it and then" he paused and looked at Fern who especially loved animals "We will get the animals." After they arrived at the farm it looked as though it would take years to clean up and fix not days as fern had hoped
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Explorer Ember 101
I am an explorer! (101) my brother says I am nothing but a ten year old twin who is not only not a explorer but also not at all a good twin. My brother is always like that. To tell you the truth I think he is a bit jealous (: for I am one of the greatest explorers of all time! I have saved dying caterpillars rescued pill bugs and saved many worms I have crossed our neighbors border line with courage I have escaped many chases with mean guard dogs I have manged not to go to school twice this year when their where snow blizzards! I have spied on too many of my baby siblings cared for my baby sister when my mom was out on errands jumped over logs that my infant brother could not even jump over I mean what better explorer is there? Chris Columbus no way all he did is find a new country I bet he never jumped over a log his infant brother could not jump over. My brother is coming now lets see how mean he is! "Mom is calling you for dinner Ember and by the way it is Christopher Columbus" he said very casually. I had been talking out loud! and he had heard me he must have been spying and who was he to say that I had said it wrong he who never used a explorer voice which I did not approve of at all. Then I replied in a perfect explorer voice "Explorer Ember 101 is deep in thought so I am sad to say that I will not be attending dinner" then I added "Thank you very much" before he could say anything un explorer like. He gave me a mad star and then yelled in a very awfully creaking voice "Mom dad Ember is doing her stupid explorer thing and she refuses to come down stairs" How rude! but I could not think much more for my dad hollered back in a very oh well voice "What a bummer now Jack do you want to be late for dinner and have your baby siblings eat it all or not" My brother (Jack) groaned I knew he wanted to have me punished. Oh what was a explorer supposed to do in such a antiExplorer family?
The Rich Girl on Ridge Lane
"Oh mamma tell me a story!" "Alright I will but i warn you its a long one"
Chapter one
There once was was a rich young girl her name was Evelyn she spent her days simply and she never went out on evenings with her mother and father
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
One unstoppable DREAM
Elora lived an average life but she was not going to let that crush her biggest best dream yet.
Chapter one
"Elora come down at once you will be dreadfully late for school. Elora can you hear me!!" cried Elora's vexed mother form downstairs. "I am coming mother just wait one more minute" Elora replied quite easily as if she did not remember that her mother had been calling her for half the morning only getting the exact same reply. "Elo..." but her mother was cut of because just then Elora ran down the stairs and hopped into her seat and began to eat up her toast savagely. Her mother had a face of high disapproval but she said nothing more she turned her attention to her other eight children. "Mummy I wunt moor toost!" cried Polly who was but only two years of age. It was a busy morning for the terry's but soon all the children where off to school and their mother was off to work. Elora was sitting quietly at her desk when suddenly she heard a soft Bleating noise. "Who made that noise!" her teacher boomed. the class was silent so even though her teacher yearned to punish them she only gave a quick look of disapproval and then went back to the lesson. But soon after she said a few words Elora asked "May I go to the bathroom please?" Her teacher hesitated but then said "All right but be quick for heaven sake!" So Elora jumped from her seat and "quietly" stomped out of the room. the minute she was out the door she said "Hello is anyone hear?" she heard the Bleating noise again but instead of being louder it sounded fainter "By blast it must be coming from the classroom! I am surly doomed!" but Elora's brave crazy spirit got the best of her so she quietly opened the door and crawled on the ground. Elora soon quietly whispered "Anybody hear?" and from behind the tool bucket came out a little lamb. "Why how did you get here?" Elora asked. The cute lamb bleated back a small but loud bleat "Who is there!" Elora's teacher boomed and their was only one crazy thing to do RUN! Elora ran right past the principals office out the school door and onto the gum spotted suburban side walk where she did not stop but rather sped up quite a bit for she was not alone her teacher several exited students from her class and form other classes one janitor and the Principal himself they where behind her and they where all shouting at the same time so it was hard to make out what they said but Elora managed to make out this: "Come back here that lamb is surly school property!" "Is it soft I want to pet him or is it a her?" "Where did that wretched lamb come from I will sue him! for entering anti animal property!!" but soon Elora could barely hear the voices and she herself could barely run another step. However Elora was in luck her house was only one more step away Elora dragged herself into the house locked the door behind her and collapsed on her mothers arm chair she was exhausted but their was no time to sleep! she had a lamb and she had to find where it belonged. After many phone calls and a hour of searching she found out that the lamb belonged to a local animal shelter and had escaped she was overjoyed that the lamb was not school property. And if she could convince her parents to keep the lamb which would take endless hours of talking searching and reading she could have a lamb of her own!
Chapter two Elora had put the lamb in her closet with water and milk to drink then she locked the door and ran down the stairs just in time for her mom to enter the house "Hello" her mother mumbled under her voice as she left the hall and went up the stairs. A few minutes later Elora herd a soft bleating sound then she heard her mom yell down the stairs "ELORA! WHY IS THEIR A LAMB IN YOUR CLOSET!" Oh Elora thought her mom had found out that there was a lamb in the closet well it wasn't the end of the world was it?
Friday, January 12, 2018
Two spirits two minds.
In a small blue cozy home set on miles upon miles of pasture where thousands upon thousands of sheep quietly grazed and where silence filled the air their lived a small red headed girl who's spirit could not be contained she had four sensible siblings as their mother always called them "The four Lasses that don't run wild in the grasses" Awassi as the small girl was called always ran wild in the grasses she adored her many sheep companions thet never judged her and she spent hours playing with them in the fields.
In a crapped and noisy apartment building in New York city their lived a quiet girl who wanted hours of simple peace but the hoking horns and shots of the city bellow her and around her where to loud she longed for peace with her four clumsy crazy teenage vocal brothers singing and playing the guitar in their "Studio" was unbearable they sounded Afull she longed for some quietness even if it meant a fight.
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