So we
have been doing a lot of fun and interesting things this last year
for home school.
a list of some of them:
are some of the books I have been reading this year:
Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard
Front Desk
The Hobbit
Astrid the Unstoppable
Kittens for dummies
Wishes & Wellingtons
Pie in the Sky
This year I read a lot historical
fiction and biographies:
Dear America Series
Standing in the Light
The Fences Between Us
Like the Willow Tree
American Girl Mysteries
A Bundle of Trouble
Carolines Secret Message
The Runaway Friend
The Stolen Sappire
The Curse of Ravenscourt
Who was George Washington
Who was Frida kahlo
Who was Jane Austen
Who was Lewis Carrol
Who was Bob Marley
Who is Hillary Clinton
Who was Lucille Bell
Who was Milton Bradley
Who was Jules Verne
Where is Alcatraz
Where is the Brooklyn Bridge
Who were The Three Stooges
Where are The Great Reefs
Who is Pope Francis
Who was Princess Dianna
Who was Aretha Franklin
What was the Holocaust
Where is Machu Piccu
It was so fun learning about all the
different people and times,
one of my favorite books is the Where
is the Bermuda triangle it was very interesting, all the spooky
stories of it where so fun to read.
year my family and I went to Spain and England.
was so fun to learn Spanish and get to see the Spanish culture!
went to Barcelona first and I was surpirsed by how many dogs there
were. I also saw parakeets in the trees there which was different
than home. In Valencia I found a cat with little kittens and we ate a
lot of oranges. Last we went to Elche and visited the beach.
was so awesome as well with its lush fields on one side and the
magnificent old buildings on the other. We spent of out time in
Oxford where we got special blueberry ice cream and I saw where my
brother was born. It was really cool to see all the old architecture.
picked up a little Spanish during the trip and my British accent is
very fine now.
also made a lot of friends and wrote a lot of post cards to friends
back home. I think most of my money went to buy stamps ;)
it was a great trip.
went to New York City too one day and we got to walk on the Brooklyn
Bridge. It was fun to do that after reading how it was built.
year I practiced different styles of drawing and practiced drawing
different creatures other than just people.
Some of my art
are on our family's learning Instagram account
year I studied about incubation and built my own incubator which I
used to hatch my own quail and chickens. I currently have Eastern
Painted Turtle eggs in it which have an incubation period of 72 days.
(Worth the wait)
sheep are growing and after shearing them in May I'm learning how to
skirt and card the wool. I learned how to needle felt and am excited
to use my own wool to felt as one of my new hobbies.
had to learn a lot of animal medicine this year. We gave my lambs
shots and my flock recently came down with a sickness which I think
might be Merricks disease and I'm trying to help protect the healthy
birds. Four of my birds was attacked by a Coyote recently. One
survived but with a big cut and I had to try and glue her skin back.
been reading the Life of Fred
series and have really enjoyed learning more about math. Fred's
approach to math is very different than most math books. He uses math
almost like it's a game and you try to solve the puzzle to help Fred.
been learning new songs on the piano and also how to play songs by
ear. I'm pretty good at picking out a new melody.
love singing still too.
I'm still
selling my pasture raised chicken eggs for $5 a dozen. I also have
duck eggs which are $7 a dozen. My eggs sell out fast and I probably
sell 6-7 dozen a week.
With the egg
money I buy my own chicken food and hay for my sheep as well as
anything extra they need. I've learned how to do budgeting and stay
out of debt.
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