Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Girls Of Mullberry Mansion.

            Chapter One 

My Name Is Emma. And Please don't ask me what my last name is Because I don't Know what it is. For all I know it's Miller or Jackson. Or BrocksDotter. I don't who I am. I don't remember my parents at all. Its as if I never had any. But then something inside me tells me I do. Gosh I am starting to sound like Moana. Yes Even if the only friends I have a raccoons I know who Moana is. But this is my story not Moana's. I live under Mrs Pine. And no she ( At least I think its a she" ) is not a married lady. She is a giant pine tree. I use her needles as a bed. And her branches as shade in the summer, And shelter when it rains or snows. When it is really cold out don't ask me what I do. The poor tourists I have sabotaged will tell you though. I'm your ordinary extraordinary orphan. 12 year old animal communicator long Red curly hair that is all tangles orphan. I Lived in an orphanage till I was 8 that's when I escaped. I was one of the ten girls that escaped 8 got caught and brought back for a severe beating. But the two others me and my best friend Holly escaped Holly went to go find her aunt who lived all the way in Brussels Boro. Ages and ages away form MullBerry where the orphanage was. I ran to knowhere in particular but I decided not to go with Holly because living with a LONG LOST aunt it hardly living freely. Don't ask me why Holly was not given to her aunt long ago. Ask Mrs Brocolini The head orphanage keeper. She knows. Oh yes she does. I soon had found myself at a huge tourist attraction (Well huge for the tiny town of Mullberry) It was called Mulberry Mansion a huge stone building with gargoils and statues. And miles of perfect green lawn. The Royal Cole family had lived there long ago. The mother and father where duchess and dukes. Their One child Ada, Who might I add looks practically exactally like me. I know for her stone carving is in the back of the mansion the safest place to go snooping and tourist coat stealing. The Rangers can't find you there. Well not easily. If you are plump and round it would be easy but I am not exactly round and plump in fact I am quite the opposite. You might wonder what I eat but I would really appreciate it if you stop wondering. Just ask the raccoons and the garbage can or occasilonly the picnicking tourists. The mansion had closed for tours for the day. but the rangers are still here. They are always here. Today I am feeling especially hungry. The Raccoons had most of the feast yesterday night. I look around for any tourists with food. But  unfortaunlly the only people eating lunch are the rangers. I looked harder and I see something crazy. The key to the back door to the mansion was in the lock. The rangers had accedentily left the key there. I could not believe it. In the four years I have lived on the Mansions grounds this never had happened. Then again they had just hired a new ranger named Buli. This was my chance to get a good look inside the mansion while the rangers ate. The only problem was no matter how slyly I sneaked bye they would most likely see me. Especially Cara the one ranger who was always looking and seeing me. Of course I ran away and every time I made it. Buli the Ranger who most likely left the key in the door, Would not see me but one ranger seeing me was One too many. I quickly thought up a plan. I admit it is not the brightest plan but its the best one I have. If I don't look at the rangers then I won't see them and If I can't see them they can't see me. its a stupid plan I admit but the orphan in me made me make the dash. I ran faster than I ran when I race the rabbits which let me tell you is fast. Thats another thing about me. I am very very fast. The rangers caught sight of me right as I reached the door. It was probably stupid to make a dash I should of slyly walked. They where running at me fast all of them except Buli. Buli sat at the wooden picnic table eating a sandwich. I quickly turned key to the right. Nothing. I did not know which way to turn the lock but I guess I do know. I can practically smell Cara's perfume. Or at least I think she wears perfume. She looks as if she does. I turn it left click it unlocks. I rush in inches before Cara. Who of course is ahead of all the other Rangers. I search the room seconds where all I had to make my move. In the nick of time I spotted a small white door in the wall. it was just past a huge fireplace. It most likely had been long long ago a laundry shoot. I started to run toward it but a icy hand grabbed my shoulder. "I finally got you little red head gall" Cara's voice iced its way into my ear. "Not for long Cara" I said cooly right back at her. Then I whistled a loud clear shrill whistle.  She started pull me out the door when Good old Mongoose Johnny and Piper appeared at the front of the door. Blocking Cara. "Shew you ugly rascals shew" Cara cried her voice shaking. For as tough as Cara seemed to be. Under all that makeup there was fear. Fear of raccoons. I had found out this fear a long while ago when she had run away form Mongoose in the night. I laughed "Cara don't be scared these are just my good friends. Might I add my only friends, Mongoose, Johnny and Piper." Piper the smallest of the raccoons made the first leap into attack. she and her brothers bit and tore at Cara till Cara screamed and let me go. The other rangers had all just stood and watched the scene in fear. Apparently they had fear of Raccoons too. Or of a girl who talked to them. Because when Cara ran away they all ran away too. I Nodded my head to Mongoose Johnny and Piper. "Thanks guys!" "Anytime Emma! We are sorry for eating most of your dinner last night!" They apologized to me guiltily "Its okay guys see ya around!" I said this as they bolted off. How wrong I was when I said that for I would not see my beloved friends for a long while after that. I knew that the rangers would be back sooner than later. So instead of exploring the mansion I crawled into the small white laundry Shute. It turned out it was a small room. Which was odd. What could such a tiny room been used for? back in the days? a small skinny 5 foot girl like me could barely do a turn in it while on her knees. It is very costerfobic here. I am so used to sleeping and living in the open air that suddenly being in a tiny room really brings you to your senses. My imagination started to run wild. I locked the tiny white door from the inside. Which was also odd that you could do that. But just as I finished locking it I heard voices I heard Steven the ranger and Ben the ranger. I even heard Cara. They had come back into the room and where muttering something about the three rascals being gone. I had been so caught up in Imagining things about the room, that I had not even looked around fully. The room was dark but there was enough light through the cracks under and above the tiny door to see that one of the walls had a handle on it. which meant that there was a passage way behind it. This was getting odder and odder. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. And then some one soon grabbed the handle probably Cara.

 "She's locked the blasted thing from the inside! she has get the back up key! I knew we should of sealed up this little odd room years ago!" I heard more footsteps. going away from me. I needed to act fast. So I did what any 12 year old animal communicator orphan curly red head girl would do. I Opened the door in the wall. A long passage way is what greeted my eyes. It looked like it was very long. And it was very dark. There was barely enough room enough for me to squeeze into it. And I am practically as skinny as a stick. Once however I had squeezed in it was so catastrophic and slim in every way it felt as though I was being squished. And that was not even the worst of it on top of being pitch black dark and super slim. The tunnel was getting smaller and slimmer not wider. Just when I thought I could not move another inch or I  would get stuck Sudden light came out of nowhere and shone into an entrance into a large cozy room. The only problem was I had to squish myself flat if i was ever to make it there the hole was just so small and even though you never saw a thinner girl than me the hole was just to small for me but I could not go back and I would starve to death if I just stood here. It was agony in its most deathly form seeing such a large warm cozy room right in front of me and not being able to get there. I never stopped to think about the fact why there was a giant room under the Mulberry Mansion. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that this room was not under mulberry mansion it was in the middle of it. The tunnel never went down or up the more I thought I realized that this room was a secret room in the heart of the Mansion. But why would you build such a large room in the middle of the mansion it made no sense. The closer I looked at the room the more no sense the this situation became the fire was burning as if someone had just tended to it there was no dust anywhere and the lights where all on someone had just been in this room. But who? nobody could ever get to it the way I had. And I doubted there would be another entrance I could get to without getting stuck again or one of the ranger's seeing me. I looked at that room and gave one last push. Just a little push not enough to get me through. I could not believe my eyes after that one push the small tunnel entrance grew just enough for me to squeeze perfectly through. As tumbled into the room a tingle stretched itself across my back. The fall was not more than a couple inches off the ground so It did not hurt. I walked around the room inspecting it. It was well furnished but something other than it being just tended was Erie about it. For some reason It felt old. Not the normal old feeling of old in new era. It felt like old in old- A sudden thud sounded inturpting my thoughts. I turned and looked at the tunnel entrance where the sound had come from. I gasped at what I saw the thing I saw gasped back at me too. The thing I saw was actually a girl. And that Girl was Ada. Ada Cole. 

              Chapter Two

    "Who are you?" "Why hello to you too"

My Name Is Ada. I live In Mulberry Mansion.

you could say I have an Imagination.... But not even my wild Imagination could have Imagined this. Today started out ordinary. My Best Maid Bess dressed me in an ordinary dressed I read my school books with the help of tutor Terry. I played with Dime and Coin my too pony's. And I rode Galaxy My Pitch black white socked mare. I rode her on the usual path. And other than a fawn and it mother seen in a merry meadow nothing unusual happened. When I got home back form riding Galaxy I had Lunch and then It was time to go to the Paramount Palace. Don't be deceived by Paramount Palace's name. Paramount Palace is actually the heart of the mansion it is a single medium sized room built in the exact center of the mansion. And only I know about it. Its my own secret room. You see everyone in the Mansion used to know about it. But Desia wiped the whole mansions memory of it away many years ago. But her magic did not work on me. And to this day I don't know why. However I do know that I love Paramount Palace. Such a cozy room it is!! The secret entrance to Paramount palace Is actually disguised to look like a laundry chut. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

History blog of the week Marco Polo

Marco Polo traveled the Silk Road to china long ago. The reason Italy has so much pasta is because of him. So when you are eating your spagetti thank Marco Polo. His father left to go to china before he was born so he did not see his dad for 15 years! talk about separation. Then once his father came back he took Marco Polo with him. Poor Marco Polo's mom. 25 years later Marco Polo and his dad returned with spices jewels and much more.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Junie B. Jones First Grader & The Twin Dilemma

Chapter 1 Officially CONCUSSIONED  


Dear First Grade Journal. Bad news.

First Kindergarten ended and now First grade is ending. And now I am offishley officially 7. And I was perfectly happy with being 6.

And I had no idea about those dumb bunny events. Till Mr. Scary announced those dumb things today to the whole entire class.

 I am boilin' mad. Second Graders are jerks. On account that on the playground they make fun of us 

My fellow Firsties and I would not like to be one of them. I wish I could just stay a first grader I don't understand why I have to Move On Up as Mr Scary would say. Kindergartin  Kindergarten to First grade was not a beut of a story I tell you,

 and I am not looking forwird forward to doin' that particlier particular event again.  And speaking of announcements Mother and Daddy told me a very unpleasint unpleasant one two weeks ago. Mother announced that she would be having another baby. And I told her to please stop poppin those things out. Mother walked out of the room after that only I don't know why we have talked about this before. After that Daddy told me I owed her an a'pology and I told him that she owed me a'pology and that this conversation was starting to sound familiar. Then daddy walked out of the room only I still don't know why. Grownups don't make much sense. It is like suddenly everything is happin' again. Another Baby sibling, and changing rooms again. phooy. Ollie is only 3 he just startid started talking his ABC's only he does not now them yet his version goes like this. ABCUSTIABCP and so on. I do not believe we need another baby around the house he is enough.

I put down my pencil and decided to take a peek at what May was writing I figured she would not mind only to bad for me cause that May is a Dumb Bunny. Just when I thought she was getting better she tattled. 

"Mr. Scary Mr. Scary Mr. Scary, Junie B. Is looking at what I am writing at that is against the rules cause last time I did it and you yelled at Me!.." 

Just then May got real quiet I believe it is because she is not supposed to tattle. Just then a very happy idea popped right into this brain of mine and it was a buet I tell you. Such a buet I had to holler it out loud real loud. 


Mr. Scary took one deep sigh took an aspirin. I think he is at the end of his spaghetti. And then he said something about What was he going to do with us. And he said somthin' about our poor new teachers. Only I don't get that. Cause he won't even have to deal with May anymore and teachers love me mostly. Expect for when I Holler at them some things about there stupid dumb bunny faces. Only that does not happen often hardly.  

Then Mr. Scary made some more announcments about the move. 

"Boy's and girls You all have been through this once before, There are only a few different things about second grade. 1 is that... 

Only I was not really listening to what  he was saying and I started to hum only too bad for me cause then I started singing without even knowing it hardly. And May raised her hand to tattle but then she quick put it down again and called out "I was not just about to tattle Mr. Scary" "Thank you May" Mr. Scary said without really paying attention.  I believe  me and him are twins today. Then he said something that I heard very Clearly 

"This is the last day you all will be together in room one, You are all now officially Second graders." 

My bestest friend Judy B. raised her hand and asked real polite

"Are we going to get graduations gowns?" 

Mr. Scary shook his head "No, this year there will be no graduation gowns boy's and girls. Thank you for asking that Judy B." 

Mr. Scary replied  "Your welcome" Judy B. Answerd  all smug and joyous.

 But I did not believe in her reaction. "How come Mr. Scary how come? cause I would really like to have a graduation gown." I said with anger in me. 

"Us to" Jose and Herb agreed.

 "Well Last time at my old school I wore a Graduation gown I slipped and fell and broke my pinkie finger and that was not a pleasant time So I'm glad we are not getting graduation gowns this year" Judy B. Said all fussy

 I did a mad breath at her cause I did not agree with that. Mr. Scary spoke above our chattering real loud. 

"Boys And girls of Room One, The reason there will be no graduation gowns this year is because last year in kindergarten a boy tripped  on his gown and fell." He did not say anymore. 

"Yeah only guess what Mr. Scary I would like to know what happened to that clumsy boy" I said real questioningly.

 Mr. Scary did not answer me. Pretty soon everybody wanted to know what happened to that interesting boy.   "OUT WITH IT MR. SCARY!" room one hollered real loud.  Finely  Mr. Scary gave in and told us the big secret of what happened to the boy. "Boys and Girls He got a very servere concussion. And our school is now band from doing graduation gowns or else the parents of that boy will sue us" 

Sue us means they will take all of our schools money. I learned that from my daddy one night when he came home. He did not look very happy only I still don't know why. I still was not happy about this event. 

"Yeah only I don't care about that stupid dumb clumsy boy cause I did not trip so I would please like graduation gown. That boy will not ruin my fun. How come we all have to not wear graduation gowns because of him. Huh Mr. Scary how come?"  I said real mad 

Mr. Scary took an aspirin. And few deep breaths and did not answer my question. So that's how come is still am not content with room one not wearing graduation gowns. On Graduation Day. 

Chapter 2 Opps! 

I am Staying at Grandma Helen Millers and Grandpa Frank Millers house tonight on account that mother went to the hospital to have her baby. And Helen and Daddy went with her. I am quite sick of that happening. One baby brother is enough. Me And Grandpa where all alone at the house. Again. Only this time we did not eat pie. We had regular old food and regular old food is not much to talk about. After we where done eating Me and Grandpa Miller played Hide and go get spooked dumb bunny. I enjoy that game cause I am always the one spooking grandpa miller. Once I scared him so bad his teeth flew out of his mouth! Then in the middle of scaring Frank, Grandma Miller came in through the front door and her eyes where as big as saucers. 

"TWINS" was the only word she said I do not know what grandma miller means by TWINS but just then I found out "Frank! Twins! One Girl One Boy! The girl has the thickest blonde hair and the boy has the most golden curls. with the sweetest freckles.  Oh frank they are adorable they are like two royalty. And Guess what there names are?" Grandma Miller was out of breath I believe I could not believe my Brain. Cause I was the big sister of two little twins. TWINS I can not hardly believe it. Only just then I remembered twins where double trouble and so this was turning out to be a Twin Dilemma. Frank guessed their names "Helen and Frank?" Grandma Miller laughed only I did not. Cause that was not funny. That was plain out dumb. Then she asked me what I thought their names are. I Answered her real quick "Mr Scary and Mrs" Cause those where the perfectest games. Only she did not answer my question. So I hollered even louder "HOW ABOUT MRS AND MR. SCARY!!" Grandma Miller gave me a sour look and said real stupid "I'm sorry Honey but your wrong" Phooey I could have sworn I was right. Cause those where the most perfect names. Then Grandma Miller got a curious glow in her ears and she said real happy. 

"There names Are Isabelle and James!" 

Frank smiled and said those names where sure fit for royalty only I did not like that. 

"Yeah But Junie B. Is fit for royalty to right Helen Right Frank?" I said very sweet 

"Well Honey, Um I don't know of any Queens named Junie B. but that does not mean that there are not any" Grandma Miller said real uncertain.  She also said to not call her Helen.

"No fair! No fair! How come my tinsy baby siblings get royal names and I don't! Huh how come?" I said with anger in me. 

"Well Junie B. Ollie does not have a very royal name either." Grandpa Miller replied.

Only that was not very helpful cause that was not an answer to my question. 

"I don't get this family! I am the boss of all my baby siblings! and its not fair my name is not royal it just is not!" 

Grandma Miller walked out of the room and so did Frank. Again. I still do not understand grownups. 

After a while Grandpa Miller drove me home. And as soon as I got to that Place I Hollered "Let me see the little royalty now!" Mother and daddy where in the nursery which has been turned around a bit. One side of it is Ollies with all the forest animals. And the other side of it is My New siblings house. Only there was one problem. Twins meant two. And we only had one of everything. So Daddy had bought more stuff and it was all yellow. Mother and daddy told me yellow is great boy and girl color. But I don't agree. Yellow is the color of pee. So now daddy was putting all the yellow stuff up while mother was holding my new royalty babies. I ran over there speedy quick and patted there golden heads cause there where very softish. Only I patted to hard so mother pulled my hand away and told me to pat them nicely. Boy and girl twins are not identical so they are more of the boring kind. Mother also said of bunch of stuff of how proud of me she was. Then she told me to go take care of ollie. So that was all just a bribe. Cause Ollie is not fun to take care of at all. 

Chapter 3 Second Grade P.U. 

Today Daddy drove me to school cause I am in second grade now and he wants do meet the teacher. Mother of course could not come so daddy took a day off work. 

I am very scared to walk into my new room with is called room 5. and I do not like the number 5 on account that on the twelve days of Christmas I could go all the way to five and remember everything but once I got to five I forgot. Stupid dumb bunny 5. But with out my consent Daddy picked me up and brought me into room 5. I looked around for familiar faces. And what do you know? Herb was there! and so was Judy B.! I looked harder and guess what people guess what there was no May! then my eyes slowly moved to our new teacher she was a girl. only she had very long curly red hair. And scary green eyes. So I am not fond of her. Daddy hugged me and then went to talk to the teacher after they talked he hugged me again only this time it was a Bye hug. So after that he left. I quick ran up to Herb and Judy B. "Its me fellas it me Junie B. Jones."  We all hugged and then I looked around the room even harder and guess who I saw? I saw That Grace and Meanie Jim. Only they where way older than I remember seeing them. and Meanie Jim had glasses! I ran over to say hello to Grace me and her are now best friends again. Meanie Jim called my glasses ugly. Only to bad for him cause I called his glasses ugly too. Then I  looked around my hardest this time but I only saw unfamiliar faces. Until. I. Saw. May. Dumb Bunny May. Now I had to live with her and Meanie Jim. Poo head P.U. I hate Second Grade.

Only when we all went to sit down I was in the front of the class this year, Way far away from May. And this year I got a Boring brown chair. I Sit by Grace and one girl with long blonde hair. 

I do not now my teachers name but She has some sort of a 'ccent and when she talks it sounds all choky. She also winks a whole lot.

"Hey, Kiddos, My Name is Miss Ready. But Ya'll can just call me Miss Red. I am you're new second grade teacher and jeepers I hope Ya'll enjoy me!" 

I hope I would enjoy her to only she is a bit to tall and red for my liking.

Then she asked us if we would like to introduce ourselves to her. Only none of us wanted to. But she asked us anyway. 

She started with Herb. Then she asked all the other kiddos. I learned new names like this one black haired girl with squinty eyes is called BIYU and that is a weird name. I think she said something about being Chimese. I learned one boy was named Murphy.  And that girl with super long blonde hair is called Penelope Peterson. 

After all of us introduced ourselves to Miss Red. We played a game. It's Called who can be the quietest the longest. I hate that dumb bunny game. Then we drew. I drew My family only mother and daddy looked too thin and ollie and the twins looked to roundy and I was a itty bit too long. Grace asked me who the little roundy people in my drawing were. And just like that I remembered to tell my whole class about my royalty siblings. So I hollered out "Hey People Guess what? Guess what I have two royalty siblings And they are twins" Grace Groaned and said "Not again Their not royalty Junie B. There just normal twins right?" "Yeah Grace but They Really are royalty this time. There names are James and Isabell" 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Claws Vs Nails my Science blog of the week from ted ed

So How did claws and nails evolve and what are they made of? 

So Claws Came from The need for animals such as eagles bears lions turtles, Reptiles etc to catch their pray. and dig holes But how come a rabbit has claws? When they are the prey? and the only tings they eat are herbs? Well the true answer is that we don't really know. Animals with nails and claws evolved similarly. But only some of the animals can humans explain why they need or use their claws. Nails on the other hand where easier for monkeys to use.

Nails are mad out of cartilage. Just like our ears. 


So I read about the scattering of the jew's also known as the: Diaspora. It. Was. Quite. Sad.

SO basically here are some interesting things that stood out to meh.

1 How its started was intriguingly sad. Basically it was all the ROME'S FAULT. AND THE JEWS FAULT FOR KILLING JESUS CHRIST.

2 The jew's warriors called Zealots Kept rebelling and rebelling and Romans where getting sick of them. And once The Zealots actually  WON! not for long though after a bit Rome sent more soldiers and they re conquered Jerusalem from the Jews.

3 Finally they where so sick of the Jews. That they Scatterted them everywhere. Except for Jerusalem of course. And they REFUSED to build the Jews a temple. Later England and France banned Jews from their countries as well. Since Jew's where not considered good Frenchmen or Englishmen Since they worshiped Heavenly Father more than the kings.