Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Difference Between Holland Lops and Mini Lops



Today I thought it would be fun to address this question/topic as so many people lump

Holland lops, Mini Lops, & Dwarf lops, in the same category or just as lop bunnies while they all slightly differ and are unique, People also mix them up, they might sell a Holland Lop as a Mini lop or vise versa.

Here are the three Lop rabbits we will be talking about today:

The Dwarf lop,

Dwarf lop rabbit | Zoo Leipzig

The Mini Lop, 

25+ best ideas about Mini lop rabbit on Pinterest | Mini lop, Lop ... |  Cute baby bunnies, Pet bunny, Cute baby animals

And The Holland Lop,

Holland Lop Poster | Napoleon Bunnyparte

Okay So roughly speaking they all look similar but here are their 5 key differences:

1. SIZE: 

 Many might think The smallest of the three would be the Mini or Dwarf, But don't be fooled despite there name Mini lops weigh about 6.5 pounds while Holland weigh about 2.5 to 3.5 pounds! So Mini lops are roughly double Holland lops weight. 

As for dwarf lops they are around 5 pounds  so both Mini and Dwarf lop rabbits are larger than Holland lops! go figure 

2. Origin:

As there name says Holland Lop rabbits originated In The Netherlands and are very closely related to the Dwarf lop as they both originated In the Netherlands.

As for the Mini Lop they originated not to far away from the Netherlands They originated  in Germany.

3. Color: While all three Rabbits have a wide variety of colors Holland Lops colors almost all come from the basic black tort nowadays. While Mini lops have a wider range of colors.  Dwarf lops are much like Mini lops in color.

4. Temperament: Temperament really comes down to the individual rabbit but all three lop species are friendly. Although some will say Hollands are more outgoing and curious than Mini lops but again some Hollands might be lazy and some Mini lops might be curious. 

5. Structure:

Hollands often have shorter ears than Mini lops but if they are a false dwarf Holland they look a lot like Mini lops so it is hard to tell. Holland's faces if they are true dwarf Hollands are often much wider than a Mini or Dwarf lops skull. However roughly they are all quite similar.

So that's it guys, Those are the 5 basic key differences between the three breeds but all in all they all would make a great family pet! 

If you would like me to do a basic rabbit care article just let me Know down in the comments below.

Till Next Time,


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