Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Hello i am going to talk all about butterflies! i saw a pipevine swallowtail a black swallowtail a Bunch of monarch butterflies a tiger swallowtail  a clouded sulpher a skipper a spring azure a pearl crescent and a painted lady and soo many more! i saw them all today in a nearby field full of milkweed. The life cycle of the butterfly is soo simple! that i want to make it more complex! ok so the female monarch butterfly can only lay her eggs on milk weed most unlike the gypsy moth! the monarch butterfly is the most well know butterfly in the world but it is not the most common. people never stop to think that the monarch butterfly lays its eggs on milkweed! they just destroy the milkweed making the monarch butterfly endangered. People think that in less than 100 years their may not be any more monarchs on the earth. After the egg is laid on the milkweed it hatches into a caterpillar that is green with black strips. But when it first hatches it is only a tiny clear caterpillar as it eats it will grow and get its color. After it is big enough it will form a chrysalis. it takes about a week for the chrysalis to emerge into a butterfly. The butterfly will have to dry its wings before it can fly. When it emerges it is a crumpled and wet and fat. It needs to dry its wings and it will pump orange fluid out of its body to make it less fat so it can fly. Then this butterfly will take the long journey to mexico lay its eggs their and die. Then those eggs will hatch and it will start the same cycle back and then those eggs will hatch and on and on. Thanks for reading

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