Saturday, July 8, 2017

My post about the Kennedy's

You all probably know that John f Kennedy was the president of America and that he got shot but do you know the details about his life and his wife's life well if you did not know them before then you will know them now! Ok so Jacqueline kenned'y had 4 children their names were  Arabella kennedy Caroline bouvier  Kennedy John f Kennedy jr Patrick bouvier kennedy. Sadly only Caroline is alive today Arabella died the same day she was born and Patrick died two day's after he was born John jr died in a plain crash with his wife and her sister at age 39. John f Kennedy had 9 sibling but sadly none are alive today. Joe jr who was the oldest died in war at age 29. His sister Kathleen Kennedy died at age 28 in a plane crash and Robert Kennedy was shot. John f Kennedy's mother and father's names were Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy However rose Kennedy was very rude to John when he was growing up she spent long hours and days away form home and later John Kennedy said that "She was never really their when we needed her most. She never really held or hugged me" Jackie Kennedy as everyone called her was the beautiful wife of John f Kennedy. And her parents names were Janet lee Bouvier and John Vernou Bouvier III. They had two girls tougher their names were Jackie Kenndy as we all know and Lee Radziwill who was married to three men. First   Michael Temple Canfield then Stanislaw Albrecht RadzIwill Then Herbert ross  i know a lot of husbands! Jackie Kennedy married twice although  she almost married two more times. Her two husband names were John F Kennedy and Aristotle S Onassis who was a Greek man, whose wife had died. He also had two children from his previous marriage. John Kennedy's brother Robert Kennedy was married to Ethel Kennedy who is still alive to day at age 89! they had many children together sadly Robert Kennedy was shot at only age 43.  Caroline Kennedy married  Edwin schlossbreg and they had three children together two girls and a boy!  There are many more kenndy's in this world but it would take me years to talk all about them! have a great day guys thx for reading!! 

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