Saturday, December 26, 2015

my song

i made a song named Mountain side love

Away on the Mountain side the sun was a rise  the birds were singing lovely songs. the river ran through the Mountain side with all the animals drinking from it the flowers bloomed then sun set with peace on the Mountain side  away on the Mountain side the  sun was setting the frogs were   singing lovely songs      with joy and love oh yes oh yes then it was dark  the sky was gray so we sleep on this night hay yes away on the mountainside

Monday, December 21, 2015


4 days till Christmas I am sooooo happy I love Christmas because  of are family being together and opening  presents and eating yummy food playing out side in the snow making snow man and snow angels planing snow ball fights warm fire. And Jesus was born. He is the best gift I have.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

about today

today is Thursday and it is my brothers birthday yay!!! 

today we are going to swim yay I love too swim at latitude pool 

it is soo fun I like freestyle. I am almost 9. my brother got 

 mittens.  It is December 17 2015  I am starting to write 

this story that is called,  the unknown  island .

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

what i do in my day

today is Wednesday December 16 yay 10 more days till Christmas i am going to get a parakeet and a finch for Christmas    i am reading masterpiece its a book abut a bug and a boy .   the bug is a very good drawer.   I like to start my day with brushing my teeth and hair then i go to take care of my pets than i have breakfast and read and write and do math for 2 to 4 hours of ht day then i do multiplication then piano and dance then helping mom. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas list

a finch a parakeet melit cutelbone bird house 


Today is Monday and I want  a parakeet and a finch for 

Christmas. I am 8 years old. 2 more weeks till Christmas.

 my dog is 4 years old, I love her soooooooooooooooooo much . 

I recently got in to nitro type it is soo fun i learn how to type 

I am so good now  my fastest is 22 words per min 

I just started 2 weeks ago. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

My Year

This year I turned 8 and got to go to Scotland with my family and get baptized there. It was really fun and I even got to see the Isle of Skye which is what I am named after.

Everywhere we went I searched for animals and I found some polliwogs  and tadpoles and other creatures.

I am now up to 30 animals with 9 terrariums and aquariums and a hutch my rabbit and guinea pigs and a chicken coop. Our chickens lay eggs every day and they are the yummiest eggs ever with very yellow yolks.

I take care of all my pets and animals and my parents said I could start a Youtube Channel so I did and made my first video of how to make a toad habitat without spending too much money:

I will make videos of all my animals this year and teach about them.

This year I got really into reading and read almost all the Daisy Meadows Fairy Series books. I think I read more than 80 of those books. I also did acting classes and am doing singing and dancing lessons this summer. I love to be on stage and dance or sing and talk to people.

For math I learned all my addition and subtraction facts and have been practicing on Arcademics and Teach Me 2nd Grade. I also learned about money and have been working to earn money to take care of my pets and to get new ones. Sometimes I catch them, but some I buy from Pet City or PetSmart or Petco and soon I will get a white mouse.

My mom teaches me history and we learned about Leonardo Da Vinci, the Titanic and we also have been watching movies like Much Ado About Nothing and Pride and Prejudice. I don't understand all the words but I like the stories. My mom read with me Heidi this year and it's one of my favorite books ever. We also ready Pollyanna and I like how she always finds reasons to be glad. I also read a lot of Magic Tree House books and learned about a lot of different times and places.

My favorite toys to play are LaLa Loopsies and I like making up stories with my dad.

I made 4 story books this year and I draw all the pictures of the girls. I am pretty good at drawing girls now in different outfits. I am learning to type but I still like writing with pencils for now.

My dad started teaching me piano this year and I learned the song Tender Shepherd which is one of my favorite lullabies.

Now that it's summer I am excited for the blackberries to grow in our garden and for butterflies and dragonflies to come out. I can usually get a dragonfly to land on my finger. I am also going to do gymnastics with my dad in our yard. I got a mat for Christmas which I take outside and I can do cartwheels and lots somersaults already.

Animal Adventure

 The top of the food chain is US the humans but for animals are Lions, Cheetahs, Leopards.  Lions eat Zebras, Gazelles and other herbivores.  The herbivores eat grass who are the producers who are also the bottom of the food chain.  The grass gets energy from the Sun and drinks the water that falls on it from the rain that falls.

There are different kind of termites  Some live in their structures of dirt and some like the ant live underground  There are millions of termites underground. And the insectivores that eat them

Another animal I learned about is the tarantula it is venomous to other insects but not to us humans.

The Story of 9 Girls and the Fairies


This story is about 9 little girls who found a lot of fairies and they met the fairy king and queen.

The excitement of the girls is a lot of excitement.

Let the story begin.

Chapter 1

[Photo 1]

In  Washington D.C. in a hotel  9  girls, two sisters and seven friends were working in a pet store.
The two sisters names were Jane and Lily . The friends names were Kirsty, Holly, Skyler, Julie, Saydi, Saren and Emmeline.

Their hiding spot was in a cave until they had a hurricane and the cave broke.

"Oh no" said all nine girls.

"It's Saturday", said Jane.

"Ya", said Lily, "dad's home".

"Yes I love Saturday", said Saydi
[Photo 2]

That second a little fairy came in from the window wearing a purple dress and blue leggings

"Look", said Saydi.

"What", said Saren.

"A fairy!"

"Really?, said Saren, "are you telling the truth?"

"Yeah, I am!"

"Let's catch her!"

"No!", said Saren.

"Why" said Saydi

"Because she might do a spell on us"

"Really?", said Saydi.

"Yeah", said Saren.

Saydi licked her lips. "OK"

All of a sudden sparkly purple magic sprinkled on top of both of them.

Sparkles came down.

"Go, go, go, go!", said Saren.

"No, look what's happening", said Saydi.

"Oh fine", said Saren

The sparkles made Saren a beautiful dress.

"Wow!", said Saren.

[photo 2]

The fairy waved her wand to send the girls in two different directions.

It was scary for both of them.

One went to an animal sanctuary

The other went to a sleepover.

When they got there Saydi was wearing a a t-shirt that said princess, a yellow skirt, green pants and blue shoes.

[photo 3]

Saren was wearing a beautiful yellow dress and a golden crown.

They were afraid to be separated suddenly.

[photo 4]
Saren got a hold of the phone. She called Saydi.

"Hi", she said.

"Hi", said Saydi

"What are we going to do about this?"

"I don't know"

"Oh, I have an idea"

"What? What!"

"We could wait."

"Oh, don't you have anything better than that?"

"No. Sorry"

Saren didn't notice, but upon the sign that said sleepover there was a little fairy who was blending in with her red dress. She sprinkled a tiny bit of fairy dust on top of Saren and then flew to do the same thing to Saydi

Then all of a sudden Saydi saw Saren and Saren saw Saydi.

"Yaaa, you were right."

"I was, yay!"


Then they looked and saw a sheet of paper floating through the air with a flower attached to it with writing on it.

"Whose could that be?", wondered Saren.

[Photo of letter]

They picked up the paper and read it. It said:

      You two will have two magic wands. 
     Look at the ground and pick them up.

                                  - Fairy Lily

"Yay", shouted Saren.

They looked at the ground and saw two wands. They picked them up, but then all of a sudden they had wings.

"I love it!"

"Ya I do too", said Saren and Saydi.


They waived their wands in the air and said:

"I wish we could go home"

Then the wind started to blow. It blew faster and faster and then they were home.


"I am so happy fairies are so sweet"

"Ya they are."

Then they saw Julie, Jane, Lily, Kirsty, Holly, Skyler and Emmeline.

"Hi", said all of the girls.

"I'm so happy to see you."

"We are too"

Then they had a party and had so much fun.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

what brings me joy

I love my chickens so much.  They bring me a lot of joy just watching them every day and getting their eggs. Today they layed 4 eggs and we all ate them fresh and still warm.  Their yoke is dark yellow because they are free ranged and grass fed. They roam around our yard all day long.  I love running in my back yard and finding things that are beautiful.   Just yesterday I saw a beautiful gold finch in my back yard.  He was so pretty light yellow with black on his tummy.  His sound was like the sound of warm weather and summer is here to stay.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


my favorite sport is dancing ,  it is beautiful. My favorite dance is jazz , I love the beat , I also like soccer my two brothers play it I used to play it I like to go to their games. I also like ping pong , I play with my brother London and my Mom. I also like tennis , I play it with my family sometimes ( at Perkins park ). I went boogie boarding today with my family at plum island beach, I love it. Today was a great day

Friday, June 12, 2015

Natural Disasters

Today I learned about different natural disasters.

Tsunami - a big wave that comes from an earthquake under the ocean.

Earthquake - is when the ground breaks or cracks and the earth shakes because the tectonic plates slip.

Wildfire - can be caused by people, like when they leave a cigar in the forest, or it can be from lightning hitting trees. Animals lose their homes and the forest is burned. But wildfires leave good soil for plants to grow and animals to come back.

Volcano - is part of the earth that comes out and when it erupts the hot rocks in the earth come out melted as lava and then it hardens and becomes rocks. Volcanoes leave nice soil too.

Hurricane - a lot wind comes and it can cause flooding as it is filled with water.

Floods - are like when a river gets too much rain and the water goes everywhere it used to be dry. Floods leave good soil too.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Turtle baby story

Today I went to Frog pond. I caught two baby turtles and brought them home and made them a special habitat. They are Eastern painted turtles. They are so cute and I love their little noses. They do not bite. One of them is a boy. You can tell because his tail is shorter and his claws are shorter. The other is a female. You can tell because the female has longer claws to dig her nest and has a longer tail so she can pat the nest after laying. Most of the hatchlings will be females, because they can dig their way out easier with longer claws. Males will still make it but not as many as the females.

You can tell how old they are from the stripes on the plastron or tummy.  Each stripe is about a month old. They haven't eaten anything yet, but I think after about 3 days they will eat.

They are very friendly to play with and we go out on the back yard on my grass.

Here are some pictures:

Thursday, April 16, 2015

More Fairy Books

Today I was looking with my dad at all the fairy books I have read. They are a lot of fun and I have read 81 books so far this year.

There are a lot of different authors that write all the fairy books but they all use the name Daisy Meadows. I love reading them and can't get my head out of them after I start.

We made a copy of all of the books I read from the website today.

The Rainbow Fairies (1-7)
Ruby the Red Fairy
Amber the Orange Fairy
Saffron the Yellow Fairy (US name: Sunny the Yellow Fairy)
Fern the Green Fairy
Sky the Blue Fairy
Izzy the Indigo Fairy (US name: Inky the Indigo Fairy)
Heather the Violet Fairy

The Weather Fairies (8-14)
Crystal the Snow Fairy
Abigail the Breeze Fairy
Pearl the Cloud Fairy
Goldie the Sunshine Fairy
Evie the Mist Fairy
Storm the Lightning Fairy
Hayley the Rain Fairy

The Party Fairies (15-21)
Cherry the Cake Fairy
Melodie the Music Fairy
Grace the Glitter Fairy
Honey the Sweet Fairy (US name: Honey the Candy Fairy)
Polly the Party Fun Fairy
Phoebe the Fashion Fairy
Jasmine the Present Fairy

The Jewel Fairies (22-28)
India the Moonstone Fairy
Scarlett the Garnet Fairy
Emily the Emerald Fairy
Chloe the Topaz Fairy
Amy the Amethyst Fairy
Sophie the Sapphire Fairy
Lucy the Diamond Fairy

The Pet Keeper Fairies (29-35) (US title: The Pet Fairies)
Katie the Kitten Fairy
Bella the Bunny Fairy
Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy
Lauren the Puppy Fairy
Harriet the Hamster Fairy
Molly the Goldfish Fairy
Penny the Pony Fairy

The Fun Day Fairies (36-42)
Megan the Monday Fairy
Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy (US name: Tara the Tuesday Fairy)
Willow the Wednesday Fairy
Thea the Thursday Fairy
Freya the Friday Fairy (US name: Felicity the Friday Fairy)
Sienna the Saturday Fairy
Sarah the Sunday Fairy

The Petal Fairies (43-49)
Tia the Tulip Fairy
Pippa the Poppy Fairy
Louise the Lily Fairy
Charlotte the Sunflower Fairy
Olivia the Orchid Fairy
Danielle the Daisy Fairy
Ella the Rose Fairy

The Dance Fairies (50-56)
Bethany the Ballet Fairy
Jade the Disco Fairy
Rebecca the Rock 'n' Roll Fairy
Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy
Jessica the Jazz Fairy
Saskia the Salsa Fairy (US name: Serena the Salsa Fairy)
Imogen the Ice Dance Fairy (US name: Isabelle the Ice Dance Fairy)

The Sporty Fairies (57-63) (US title: The Sports Fairies)
Helena the Horse-riding Fairy
Francesca the Football Fairy (US name: Stacey the Soccer Fairy)
Zoe the Skating Fairy
Naomi the Netball Fairy (US name: Brittany the Basketball Fairy)
Samantha the Swimming Fairy
Alice the Tennis Fairy
Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy

The Music Fairies (64-70)
Poppy the Piano Fairy
Ellie the Guitar Fairy
Fiona the Flute Fairy
Danni the Drum Fairy
Maya the Harp Fairy
Victoria the Violin Fairy
Sadie the Saxophone Fairy

The Magical Animal Fairies (71-77)
Ashley the Dragon Fairy
Lara the Black Cat Fairy
Erin the Firebird Fairy (US name: Erin the Phoenix Fairy)
Rihanna the Seahorse Fairy
Sophia the Snow Swan Fairy
Leona the Unicorn Fairy
Caitlin the Ice Bear Fairy

The Popstar Fairies (113-119) (U.S title: The Superstar Fairies)
Jessie the Lyrics Fairy
Adele the Singing Coach Fairy (US name: Adele the Voice Fairy)
Vanessa the Dance Steps Fairy (US name: Vanessa the Choreography Fairy)

Monday, March 23, 2015

pluses , minuses and my animals

pluses addition

minuses now subtraction


now animals

I have 30 animals at my house , one of them is a leopard gecko I feed him 10 big crickets every day
.I love to play with my guinea pigs ( 2 of them ) and my bunny ( 1) , I have a dog at my house. I like going to the beach and marches hill to throw the ball and play with her. I love to play with my frogs to , I love their nice, soft and slimy backs ( I have 6 of them ). I can't wait until April when I can catch bugs for my frogs. I have a lot of fish , like neon tetras (3) , guppies (4), sunfish ( 1), beta fish (2) and goldfish (7). I also have 3 turtles , the fastest turtle is skipperdy  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Middle Ages

Today I learned about the Crusades with my mom and dad. The Crusades symbol was a red cross. The Crusaders were Christians. My family is Christian too. The Crusaders tried to force the Muslims to give up Jerusalem but they never won. One of the most famous Crusaders was King Richard the Lionheart. I think the Crusades were dumb because they tried to force people to become Christian instead of letting them choose.

I also learned about the Black Death. Lot's of people died. 800 people died every day in Paris. Almost half of all the people in Europe died. I'm glad I didn't live back then. It would have been horrible.

The other thing I learned about was Shakespeare's plays. He wrote tragedies, histories and comedies. They performed his plays at the Globe Theater in London. Actors could get on the stage from underneath, or jumping from above, or walking through the stage door. I would like to be an actor in one of his comedies.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Learning to type

I am learning to type on the computer I'm using to BBC schools dance mat typing kind and really like it. I have just reached level four and enjoy typing a lot


Today I learned about ladybugs to be precise I learned about the Asian lady beetle Ladybugs are so beautiful and I love looking at them and playing with them. Ladybugs have round shape and have many dots on top of them today I found a ladybug in my church yesterday and today I counted her little dots and she had 15 dots. Ladybugs favorite food is aphids. Farmers led ladybugs going to their gardens in their crops sometimes even on purpose to prevent all the aphids of destroying their gardens because the ladybugs love to eat the aphids they just take care of them. I have seen ladybugs in my backyard laying eggs in the spring last spring their tiny beautiful orange dots almost looking like eggs really pretty.

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Antlion

An Antlion is a dragonfly larva.

To eat he digs a hole in the sand and then waits for insects to come in. After they fall in and struggle to climb out, the antlion snaps them up. When it becomes a nymph it also eats tadpoles.

But when the frog grows up, it eats the dragonfly.

I love dragonflies because they land on my finger when I stand still.

Charles Darwin

The other day I learned about Darwin. He thinks we came from monkeys. I know we came from God and I don't think I like a monkey.

I do think though that some animals change over time though with evolution.

Fairy Chapter Books

I am reading some different fairy books which are fun.

There a rainbow fairy series. In it Jack Frost separates the rainbow fairy sisters so all the rainbows go away.

There are two girls who are on vacation named Kirsty and Rachel. They help the fairies find each other and they leave them in Rainspell Island until they have found the last fairy, Heather the Violet Fairy and the rainbows come back.

There are also pet fairies who each have a special magical pet. These fairies help make sure animals find the right homes and don't die off. I think it's the most important jo in fairy land. My favorite pet fairy is Georgia the Guinea Pig fairy because I love my guinea pigs. In these stories Jack Frost tries to steal the magic pets from the pet fairies.

Right now I am reading the Party fairies. They're not my favorite because they're all about candy and cake and sweets and I don't eat sugar. I am finishing the last book of this series, phew, can't wait to start a different series.

The Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye is in Scotland. It is a beautiful hike when you get to the mountains. I love the Isle of Skye because it has beautiful castles, and because my name is Skye.

There are only 2491 people in the capital Portree. One castle is called Dunvegan.

Lot's of animals live around the Isle of Skye. There are dolphins, whales, deer, Golden Eagles and a bird called a Puffin.

I hope to get see it one day.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I love my mommy so much and I love spending time with her I love to read books to her I love to draw with her and all these amazing awesome things. Mommy is my best friend she cooks for me every day she takes good care she always comes my hair makes me braids your ponytails she always knows my boo-boos feel better she always wipes my tears if I cry when I'm sad she makes me smile she always says I'm her sunshine I love my mommy

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Raccoon facts

Today I learned about raccoons that live in the city. They are very smart animals and are able to adapt to the hard urban conditions that the city provides.  The mothers look for a high tree to make a nest and raise their young.  The reason for going so high up in the trees is that they are afraid of predators and sometimes a male raccoon can prey on the young raccoons.  The little front paws that they have can open tents, doors, clams and are very strong and sensitive almost like they see with their paws. they are able to go under water with their paws and feel the mud and be able to find food and open clams and eat them right out.

Sometimes in the city the raccoon become close friends with rats and other street animals who carrie desises and they get sick from them. It is important to be very careful if you find raccon droppings in your garage or shed to get rid of them as soon as possible even burn them because they may have a worm inside the droppings which is deadly to humans.

They babies are really cute and I almost wished that I had a baby raccoon but then I looked at my beloved Sophie my yellow lab and hugged her all day and feel so happy that she is my doggy.