Sunday, July 30, 2017


Hi guys so this awesome week i will do this!

1 Read my who was book Harry Houdini 
 2 Do Diy on Sunday & Saturday maybe Thursday. 
3 blog a story here on Wednesday about beach.
4 Play with my lalaloopsys monday.
5 Play with animals Friday & care for them always.
6 Make cookies friday.
7 clean zone.
8 have fun. 
9 watch youtube.
10 help around house! 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Light in my Backyard!

It was a Warm summer afternoon and river was walking to a nearby stream today was Monday and she was determined to have a awesome week! To start she was going to run into the stream and swim! So she did! !PLOP! she went right into the water. She looked at the fish swimming by her she saw a turtle swim right up to her! birds sang form above she could see animals drinking the water from above. 

She was so surprised why were animals coming to her? it wa so magical and so interesting! she was exited and her heart beat fast he eyes were full of light her mind felt Vivacious! hope filled her heart maybe just maybe animals loved her so much that well they were her best friends! she swam to the top of the water to get a breath and to her biggest amazement she saw millions of animals surround her their were Birds dogs cats bears cubs wolfs coyote's everything you could think of it was crazy it was unreal!then the birds went onto her shoulders and she could feel fish tickling her feet her long red hair blew in the wind her blue eyes sparkled she felt her iridescent hear and mind pound she was truly as happy as any girl could ever be at that moment! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Hello i am going to talk all about butterflies! i saw a pipevine swallowtail a black swallowtail a Bunch of monarch butterflies a tiger swallowtail  a clouded sulpher a skipper a spring azure a pearl crescent and a painted lady and soo many more! i saw them all today in a nearby field full of milkweed. The life cycle of the butterfly is soo simple! that i want to make it more complex! ok so the female monarch butterfly can only lay her eggs on milk weed most unlike the gypsy moth! the monarch butterfly is the most well know butterfly in the world but it is not the most common. people never stop to think that the monarch butterfly lays its eggs on milkweed! they just destroy the milkweed making the monarch butterfly endangered. People think that in less than 100 years their may not be any more monarchs on the earth. After the egg is laid on the milkweed it hatches into a caterpillar that is green with black strips. But when it first hatches it is only a tiny clear caterpillar as it eats it will grow and get its color. After it is big enough it will form a chrysalis. it takes about a week for the chrysalis to emerge into a butterfly. The butterfly will have to dry its wings before it can fly. When it emerges it is a crumpled and wet and fat. It needs to dry its wings and it will pump orange fluid out of its body to make it less fat so it can fly. Then this butterfly will take the long journey to mexico lay its eggs their and die. Then those eggs will hatch and it will start the same cycle back and then those eggs will hatch and on and on. Thanks for reading

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Buffy and babies broody hen's

IMG_2933.JPGHey guys today i am going to talk all about broody hens! You may now that right now i have two broody girls who have chicks and i will kinda talk about my experience with them! OK so Buffy my Buff Orphigton has 7 babies she used to have eight but since one baby got lost she only has 7 now. We got Buffy her eggs a few months ago it takes a average chick 21 days to hatch but they may hatch earlier or later it really deepens on the breed. Anyway Buffy's eggs hatched 20 days after she sat on them. They are all mixed breeds and only the silver pencil lace's are purebred. Her chicks are now almost 5 weeks old its crazy how fast they grow! All of my chickens are Pasture raised they only sleep in their coop at night we also feed them their and give them water. My other broody hen Roxie who is a bard rock has 4 little chicks only a few days old! they are soo cute! they are all purebred Black copper Maran's and they look a lot like their mother. Ok so caring for broody hens and chicks is super easy much easier then buying chicks and raising them yourself! All you need to do is have hope the eggs will hatch and the babies will stay close to mom. And of course you need to give them chick starter / grower i love Purina as a brand for chickens and rabbits My chicks have non medicated Purina feed from Tractor supply my Big hens get Purina organic non gmo feed. You also need to have clean fresh water available at all times for your chicks and chickens. When waiting for the eggs to hatch you should candle them and check if they are growing. Thank you for reading hope this helped someone out their! CGL101IMG_3142.JPG

sadly Buffy and one of her babies died it is cold now and i am sad. buffy and 3 of her babies died also buffy to and all her babies but one died 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

My post about the Kennedy's

You all probably know that John f Kennedy was the president of America and that he got shot but do you know the details about his life and his wife's life well if you did not know them before then you will know them now! Ok so Jacqueline kenned'y had 4 children their names were  Arabella kennedy Caroline bouvier  Kennedy John f Kennedy jr Patrick bouvier kennedy. Sadly only Caroline is alive today Arabella died the same day she was born and Patrick died two day's after he was born John jr died in a plain crash with his wife and her sister at age 39. John f Kennedy had 9 sibling but sadly none are alive today. Joe jr who was the oldest died in war at age 29. His sister Kathleen Kennedy died at age 28 in a plane crash and Robert Kennedy was shot. John f Kennedy's mother and father's names were Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy However rose Kennedy was very rude to John when he was growing up she spent long hours and days away form home and later John Kennedy said that "She was never really their when we needed her most. She never really held or hugged me" Jackie Kennedy as everyone called her was the beautiful wife of John f Kennedy. And her parents names were Janet lee Bouvier and John Vernou Bouvier III. They had two girls tougher their names were Jackie Kenndy as we all know and Lee Radziwill who was married to three men. First   Michael Temple Canfield then Stanislaw Albrecht RadzIwill Then Herbert ross  i know a lot of husbands! Jackie Kennedy married twice although  she almost married two more times. Her two husband names were John F Kennedy and Aristotle S Onassis who was a Greek man, whose wife had died. He also had two children from his previous marriage. John Kennedy's brother Robert Kennedy was married to Ethel Kennedy who is still alive to day at age 89! they had many children together sadly Robert Kennedy was shot at only age 43.  Caroline Kennedy married  Edwin schlossbreg and they had three children together two girls and a boy!  There are many more kenndy's in this world but it would take me years to talk all about them! have a great day guys thx for reading!! 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Things I Learned This Year

I have learned a lot this year and tried a bunch of new things.

For math I read Mathematicians are People Too with my mom which had lots of interesting stories about famous mathematicians.
I also learned all of my multiplication tables and did math facts practice on Arcademics.
I started a business too this year selling Pasture Raised eggs from my 44 chickens. They are delicious with dark yellow yolks and I sell them for $7 a dozen.
I have to keep track of how much I spend and how much I earn from the eggs since it cost a lot to build the coop and buy the chickens and to get boxes and stickers to sell the eggs in.
Our hens lay about two dozen eggs each day and we eat a lot of them.

This year for science I have been studying butterflies a lot.
I read The Girl of Limberlost which got me into them then I studied all about the kinds of butterflies and moths that live here.
I raised and hatched monarch eggs and swallowtail eggs and had to learn what kind of plants they ate.
I learned swallowtails like Sassafras trees and you can tell them by their leaf shapes but I fed my caterpillars dill.
I also made a video of the butterflies coming out of the chrysalis.

Other animals I have raised are zebra finches. I started with 2 and now we have 9. They are a lot of fun and beautiful birds.
My favorite animals that were born this year though were my baby chicks. You can read about that in All about Buffy!

Along with animals I also got into experimenting with making slime and putty out of all sorts of things around the house.
I put some in the freezer once and it made everything taste yucky, but it was fun experimenting.

We also planted a garden and I have had fun watching the plants grow and eating them.


I read a lot this year. I think I read the entire American Girl series of like 40 books which I liked because they are interesting stories and they tell about different times in history like the Great Depression. I also read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon which is a Chinese legend and talks about learning to appreciate what you have. Another book I liked was The Unusual Chicken for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer which was a fun book about a chicken with magic powers and made me imagine if my chickens could do those sorts of things.

As a family we read or listen to classics together and then we would talk about them together. Here's a list of the books. My favorites were the nature ones like Calpurnia Tate,the Girl of Limberlost and Journey to the River Sea.

1. The Chronicles of Narnia
2. The Prince and the Pauper
3. Little Lord Fauntleroy
4. Gulliver’s Travels
5. A Wrinkle in Time
6. Tom Sawyer
7. Huck Finn
8. The Wind in the Willows
9. The Illiad (Portions) - Homer
10. The Inner Ring – C.S. Lewis
11. Lifes of the Explorers – Krull
12. Ben Hur – Wallace
13. Grimm’s Fairy Tales
14. The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate - Kelly
15. The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate - Kelly
16. Chasing Vermeer - Balliet
17. A Girl of Limberlost - Sutton
18. Fortunately the Milk - Gaiman
19. The Story of the Amulet – Nesbit
20. The WouldbeGoods – Nesbit
21. The Adventures of Robin Hood - Pyle
22. Journey to the River Sea – Ibbotson


This year I read a lot of those Who Is biographies. My favorite stories were Jackie Kennedy, Pocahontas, Hilary Clinton, Abigail Adams & Teddy & Eleanor Roosevelt.
I also read the big book of History with my mom and we studied the French Revolution.
One interesting thing I learned the other day was that long ago it was the poor people who ate the healthiest since they didn't have money to buy sugar and other unhealthy things that were very expensive.
Now though unhealthy food is really cheap so the poor people eat the most unhealthy while the rich people eat the natural expensive food.

We also learned about art during the Renaissance on Khan Academy.

We also got to travel around this year a little and we went to Washington D.C. and saw the museums and the monuments. I like the Museum of Natural History but I liked the zoo better since the animals were alive there.
We also went to Princeton University which looked very old and we went to 8 National parks over the last year here near us including: Acadia, U.S.S. Constitution, St. Georges Island, Minute Man Historic Park, Cape Cod, Saugus Iron Works, Boston & Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park  in Maryland.


I drew a lot of stories this year with pictures of girls in different dresses and I also started drawing more animals since they are my other favorite thing to draw.
The NAA has a show for kids each year and this year I sold a painting I did of a hen with a chick.
I also won an award in an online kids art contest for a drawing I did.

I still love singing and do it all the time, sometimes at home or at church or just outside in my yard. Sometimes even when there are a lot of people around in a store or something and I just feel like singing.
I think I will take a singing class in the fall.

I also love dancing and biking and running and I started taking some junior track lessons which has been fun learning how to run better.

All about Buffy!

HI guys i am going to talk all about Buffy! my hen who hatched 8 eggs who are know cute big chicks! first of all i got 12 eggs form a lady named Susan who was selling them she was very nice and gave us a discount on the price so instead of 24 it was 15! After we brought the eggs home we put them under our broody hen Buffy who we could tell was overjoyed!!! After waiting 21 LONG LONG DAYS 8 little chicks hatched they were soo cute and in fact two hatched in my own hands! It is soo awesome to see them follow their mommy and do what she does they are now 6 weeks old! its crazy to think they grow sooooo fast! but i can tell every day Buffy is soo proud of her children just like my mommy and daddy are proud of me! 

Why i want to get one egg for roxie

OK so you know that princesses died right that is my rh red chicken! it was tragic!! and i miss having 44 chickens it was a awesome number! i think that if we ask that egg lady we got buffy's eggs form for just one egg she would give us one! and Roxie could hatch it since She is very very broody! Susan that was the egg lady's name  would probably give us one egg for two $! and Roxie would have fun hatching that egg! its ok to have one but it is probably the best to get two! since they have to have a clutch! we don't have to get 12 eggs this time though(: so ya i really think that roxie wants to be a mother and since princesses died just getting one or two more eggs would not add up that much! Skye.