Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Little Lass!

The little lass. by Skye timothy.

One fine day Abigail woke up to a strong felling.

 "why can i get a pet" she muttered under her breath. she ran down stairs and said. "Mom may i get a pet?"

Her mom was quite supersized to this question. "Um...may i ask why"  "!..i
want one i am now old enough art I"  "Yes..!" her mother replied.    

"Yay so can i get one" she asked

"Well darling.... here are my pros and cons"

1  you are old enough  1  you don’t need one
2  you  have the money  2  they are a lot of care 
3  you have the space  3

  you have to go to  school early in the morning 
4  you don’t have any other pets  4  dad doesn't like pets 
5  we have a pet store right here. they stink