Chapter One (ME) my story.
Hello my real name is Sasha R. Cooper the R stands for Roberta.( but my family calls me Sadie ) I am a 8 month old ( In human years ) Chow Chow and I live on 23rd st IN New York. I live with the classic Coopers, they are like any other family except for one major difference, ME. no other family's has a dog quite like me okay fine maybe they do, but i'm convinced that I'm sharper than any other dog I know. Sharper is another word for smarter, one of my humans Claire is always saying that word and I guess I have begun to hear it so much that i'm using that word now, humph my mother would not be proud. then again unlike my older sister she was rarely proud of anything I did. when my sister fetched the ball she would always say
Hello my real name is Sasha R. Cooper the R stands for Roberta.( but my family calls me Sadie ) I am a 8 month old ( In human years ) Chow Chow and I live on 23rd st IN New York. I live with the classic Coopers, they are like any other family except for one major difference, ME. no other family's has a dog quite like me okay fine maybe they do, but i'm convinced that I'm sharper than any other dog I know. Sharper is another word for smarter, one of my humans Claire is always saying that word and I guess I have begun to hear it so much that i'm using that word now, humph my mother would not be proud. then again unlike my older sister she was rarely proud of anything I did. when my sister fetched the ball she would always say
"OH my darling Bella! sweetie that was the best fetch I have ever seen!"
and when I fetched the ball ( the same way Bella did it if not better ) she would say
" Oh Roberta not again you just can't get the run right" (She always called me by my middle name Roberta when she was mad at me.)
Really???? the run??
or when she was teaching us the HUMAN and Dog language which she had learned from her mom and her mom had learned it from her mom and so on... You see Dogs can learn languages 65 times faster than humans so we could learn Human language (our mom had said it was required to learn so we could know what our owners wanted) (Even though some of us dogs still decide to ignore our owners) and Dog language which was quite easy to learn and came quite naturally, we could learn both languages practically fluently in 3 weeks. ) anyway ill tell you more about do language and how it works later. When Bella preformed her ABC's and her DDD's (Dog language) our mother would praise her like crazy saying "Oh how perfect sweetie you know both too well oh oh all the tastiest treats in the world you can say your ABC's and your DDD's better than those treats taste" and when I said my ABC's and DDD's she would say gruffly "Sasha R. WHY oh why can't you say those letters right" Johnny and Max my younger brothers said there ABC's and there DDD's worse than I did so at least that was comforting but they where whole 6 minutes younger than me. and my mother said practically the same thing she said to me about my performance but she was a bit nicer to them it was ridicules I had said my ABC's and my DDD's way better Both Bella and Johnny and Max. Really mom really???
I used to always get really fed up with her but now I live with the Coopers and this is my story, every dog that has a home and human family has a story to tell about how they came to live with that particular family, for instance long story short my best friend Coco ( she is a border terrier mix ) was adopted. She used to live in the streets of Houston, Texas, but the adoption people got her and a whole bunch of other dogs put them in crates- ( I'm assuming you know what crates are ) -and flew them to New York and then her family found her at the adoption center and adopted her, Like I said long story short. My other friend Maya ( she is a pure bred pedigree lowchen ) was picked up by a family at her breeders home. long story short. I like her was picked up at up at a breeders home here is my story:
I was born four blocks away from the Coppers house, in fact my breeders kid (Ruby) was best friends with on of my humans now, his name is Daniel. He is very boyish. Ruby was the sweetest girl I ever met in my life other than My humans now of course. She was very girlish. She was so loving and ooing and ahhing at us. And best of all unlike my mom, she loved me more than my older sister Bella or my two younger brothers Johnny and Max. Johnny and Max fetched even worse than I do according to my mother if you where wondering. Anyway, as I was saying I was born on a freezing cold January Afternoon, 4 minutes after Bella, Johnny and Max where born around 6 minutes after me, Max was born a minute after Johnny. If you are wondering if I liked Johnny or Max more my answer would be that I liked them equally, but Max was just a teeny bit nicer than Johnny. Anyway when Bella Was born our breeders ( Jane & Thomas Thompson ) had gasped Bella was a Gorgeous Blue/Silver Chow chow, When I was born I was a Bright Red chow not as gorgeous. But Jane and Thomas still had ooed at me. But when Max and Johnny where born-, Johnny was a Pure pitch black Chow Chow and Max Was A practically Crystal cream/white chow chow the two of them had looked just like a Ying Yang when had they russelled each other. -Jane and Bill had not said a word but as my mother had put it there eyes and smiles said it all. My mother is A Cinnamon Chow chow and even though I never met my dad my mother told me he was a handsome Pitch Black Chow chow just like Johnny. Anyway We grew up at our Jane and Bills house they had two children, Ruby a red haired beauty, who I already told you about and Charles who I never met but Mother had told us about, She said he had been a boisterous Black haired boy, he was in collage by the time I was born. Anyway we grew up in there /our temporary house long story short till we where 8 weeks old. Then We all found are forever Family's, mother had told us when we where still tiny pups that we wouldn't live with her for very long so we where all prepared for having a new family. Anyway, Beautiful Bella stayed with Mom and the Thompson's, Johnny and Max where taken home by a Family called the Sparrows, or as Max would say it the sparraws'. The sparrows had two Twin girls I believe there names where Tracy and Tara anyway they had been no older than 6 or 7 when they came to take Johnny and Max home. I still remember to this day 4 months later how Excited Johnny and Max had been to get to have a family of two twin girls . Johnny ended up being Tracy's puppy and Max ended up being Tara's puppy. It had been quite a sight seeing Bright Blonde haired twin Tracy with Pitch black Johnny and Dark Black haired twin Tara with White/Cream colored Max. We had all said our goodbyes and before we had known it Johnny and Max where off to go live with their new family the Sparrows (who lived in Vermont very far from NY. I still miss them to this Day.) Anyway I remember thinking that finally It was my turn to find a forever family, and that's when the Coopers all 9 of them stepped through ( Well baby Owen was in Mom Coopers stomach at the time as I had learned shortly after being brought to the Coopers home, our home) the Thompson's Bright Red front door. The first one of them to come pet me was Fern, and she is who am closest to to this very day. Oh how I love that fern from her long brown pigtails to her sweet smelling breath. She had hugged me and kissed me and had kept whispering in my ear that they where going to bring me home, I still remember to this day how sweet and soft and exiting her voice had sounded, a New home! My new home! I had kept licking her sweet smelling face (With my blue tongue which only Chow Chows have and mother is very proud of that) her sweet skin was so delicious to lick. She was the member of the family who had Named me ( Sadie ) I like that name not quite as much as Sasha but still it sounds good SA-D-IE it rolls out on your tongue like a Bark. Anyway back to the story, after fern came to me one by one all 8 of the other coopers sat down my her and started petting me. (Well all except Owen) Here are All the coopers names, From Dad Cooper to Baby Owen. Dad and Mom cooper (there real names are Jack and Sophie ) are the head of the family also the oldest. Although dad Cooper is 3 years older than Mom cooper. Anyway now to the Kid coopers,
Michael who I very faintly remember because he went off to collage
only a week after they Coopers brought me home. All I remember is that he kept saying Wretched, I don't know what that word means to this very day 4 months later I have not heard anyone in my family use it since then. And unfortunately I can't speak dog. But he said it a lot. Wretched Wretched...etc Man sometimes I really wish I could speak human or at least for humans to understand dog. Its a pain not being able to tell Fern and Mabel I love Them, I can only tell it to them with my eyes and my (blue) tongue of course. Anyway back to the subject. After Michael,
Millie is the second oldest and she is going off to collage soon. me and her are sort of close but not super close. She is to old and preppy for me always putting a fresh layer of lipstick on when her old layer wears off. or in her words "Becomes not as' shiny'" although Me and Fern saw no difference between her old coats of lipstick and her new ones. They both looked very red no more no less. oh and Molly also HATES kisses she hates when I lick her who hates kisses! she Has Super long curly Amber Hair, Which she combs a lot!
Daniel Who as I already said is very boyish were are only close because he is good friends with sweet Ruby. he unlike Millie doesn't mind kisses.
Claire Is very shy but also tastes very good when you lick her. She and I are very good friends. except she does not like licking very much. but she likes it more than Millie, she is not preppy Like Millie but rather more into herself and calm she writes lots of interesting stories man some of those stories about dogs blow my mind away, That girl can write! ( at least I think she can you see I can't exactly read...
You see dogs Understand humans but some of us choose to pretend we don't thus humans assume we don't speak their language and just think we respond to COME or TREAT like Stupid heads, ( I learned that frase from Daniel) We understand more than they think we do its just some of us decided to let them believe we only respond to COME or TREAT or GOOD DOG, we can get away from doing way to complicated things. Some humans are learning more and more about us dogs more and more ways to get us to do what they want. I'm not sure if thats good or bad In my opinion I think its good and bad, 1 it invades on our privacy 2 humans are learning to understand us better maybe one day they will learn how to speak dog! its true though when humans use kind loving firm voices we tend to listen to them more than if they yell at us we will most likely wag our tails and do what they say but sometimes even then...... anyway..
Fern Comes after Claire Sweet, Loving Fern. My absolute favorite from the very beginning her and I are the very best of friends. Oh how I love her.
Mabel The chubbiest tastiest toddler in the world of dogs is second to youngest. Her wispy blonde hair is adorable oh and so is her face. We are good friends I believe because she always laughs when I lick her but sometimes I bump her and she falls and she starts to cry but other than that we are besties. her favorite word for me is: fuzzy or sometimes even fuzzy Lion although she says it like this fwusy wion. oh how I LOVE Mabel.
Baby Owen doesn't talk much but he does laugh just like Mabel when I lick him on his face although Mom Cooper doesn't exactly like when I do I wonder why, I don't mean any harm she just says "Oh shew Sadie shew" Her and I are good friends though she only turns mean with the baby Owen accidents. Oh and when go potty inside she HATES when I go potty inside I don't get it humans go potty inside to. Oh humans they are so confusing. She does however give the very best belly rubs. as for Dad Cooper he gives the best head rubs. Those Parent coopers give good rubs.
Anyway that day I said goodbye to Mom and Bella Mom had Smiled at me and said "You are a good pup Sasha Be one with your new family" (The most loving words she ever told me in my whole life) and just like that they had where both gone the last thing I remember was Ruby kissing me on my head and saying "Don't worry Little pup we will see each other again I promise" she had also said that I would see My mom and sister (Bella) again. And since then Me Mom and Bella see each other often. Jane and Thomas and been good breeders kind and Caring they had never raised there voice to us youngsters that is until we went potty inside, again with the getting mad at us for going potty inside, for heavens sake! Anyway, before I left they had both patted me on the head and and said good pup and goodbye. Anyway once we as one Big cooper family as back then once Fern picked me up and we all walked through the big red door I considered myself part of their family now not the Thompson's family not Mom and My siblings family but as a member of the cooper family. What happened after that was a blur they put me in as I now is called a crate, (Back then I had no idea what it was) and we had driven off in a car I only knew what a car was because of vet trips oh those dreaded vet trips although my mom had told us we pups where lucky the vet was so very close (3 minute drive away) the whole 2 year car ride ( at least it seemed to me to years of queasiness although after Fear had told me it had only been 2 minutes) Fern spoke to me softly and said everything was going to be okay ( of how I loved her then ). And it was and Is to this day. Anyway....
Chapter Two ( My Life in the Cooper household)
Well The Coopers had a big secret They where keeping from me. And the second I walked into there house I smelled it quite strongly. Especially on the fuzzy purple rug. It smelled like Cats. How do I know this smell? Well the house next to my breeders home had a Cat that lived in it. But when the cat died they gave my Breeders/Old owners The cats old beds. And even though they washed them before they gave them to us I still had smelled strongly of cat Much to my mothers distain. You see my mother Hates Hates Cats. She had told me So many things about them that I could have practically written a Book all about the behavior of Them. That is if I could Write. Or Read. Or hold a pen in my paw . Dang sometimes I WISH dogs had opposite thumbs. Well here are the things mom told me about cats: 1 They Are Selfish 2 the are Dogs worst enemy 3 they are very Rude. See ( Well it turned out I could not of written a book about cats because I was wrong. It turned out the Coopers Cat turned out to be my best friend) Anyway When I had smelled that cat smell I Ran back to fern and jumped in her arms. She had laughed and said "Are you Scared Bo Bo?" But it was not Fern that figured out what I was Scared about It was Sharper Claire That had figured that out. She had said "Oh I bet she is Scared of Daisy. Puppies are often scared of cats" At first I had not wanted to even go down on the floor, but finally I mustered some courage and finally met Daisy Turned out she was very Nice we are the best of friends to this day. The coopers house was huge there where so many new rooms to explore I will only describe my 4 Favorite rooms to you: The Living Room, Yellow walls one Huge brown sofa, two smaller sofas and one big chair. The Kitchen and Dining room (My personal Favorites ) they both have, White walls, The kitchen has Three granites and One Island, The Dining room has One big Table And the both have plenty of food. : Ferns Bedroom: The Walls are Forest Green. Or Fern Green. (: Her bed is one big fluffy blue mass. and her Turquoise Rug Is perfect. I also like the nursery where Mabel and Baby Owen sleep but due to my licking I am not allowed to go in there anymore. Anyway I think I have told you Enough of Before Let me Know tell you about my life Now.
Chapter Three (NOW) ( OH AND THE NEW PUPPY)
Its Almost Christmas! My first Christmas! Daisy Says Christmas Is in her words: "Very delightful." This is her 8th Christmas. She Says there will be Presents and games and music AND TREATS and best of all.... Decorations! Oh I love decorations. And not because there pretty but because there are so fun to destroy. Daisy Does not agree with me she says: "Destroying things is For Pesky Primates" I don't know why she is so against Primates I find Monkeys quite amusing (Not that I've ever seen one in real life, only on TV). She I Running towards me now. "Sasha, Come quick! There's Something I need to show you!" I Quickly Ran after her my short stubby feet weighing me down. When I finally reached the spot where she was I gasped! She shushed me The sight before me was to unimaginable to behold. A dirty ugly looking small skinny black mutish dog was in the Coopers living room. Fern kept cooing to it saying "Oh you poor, poor, thing! Don't worry you have a home with us coopers, right mama?" Mom Cooper quickly replied "If no one calls for her we can keep her." "Oh thank you mom THANK YOU a Christmas Puppy!" Imagine that. MY Fern. Cooing over and loving a dirty stray that was now going to be considered a Cooper. Daisy shook her head. Her long white fur swishing as she did. (She is a pure white peckanise) "Dirty Creatures have no home here" The dirty mutt looked up at us her eyes where sad and droopy when he heard what we said she began to whine "Oh please Iv'e had the worst life no one to love me or to care for me please let me have a home here even if am muddy and gross" Her accent was unknown I quickly asked her "Is your owner still alive?" she whined back a reply "I never had an owner my mother died long ago" her voice was so sad I took pity on her. Fern Laughed out a remark "Oh I do believe you two are having a conversation. Fern Picked the New puppy up and took him upstairs. Darn upstairs. My legs where to fat and chubby to go up there besides, Daisy had said that I'm not even allowed to go up there. humph but apparently this new DIRTY puppy is allowed to. how is that fair? Daisy watched fern carry the New puppy up the stairs in disgust she licked her self more than usual on the spot as if the dirty New puppy had sprinkled dirt on her. Which it had not. We waited and waited for Fern to come down the stairs, Finally she did. And in her arms There was a small white dog in her arms. I looked around, Where had the dirty mutt gone? and who was this new dog? Fern spoke to us "Hello, Daisy, Sasha Meet the newest member of the family who used to be dirty, Chloe! Chloe the Chiwawa mix" Oh so this clean white dog was the mutt..."Hello I'm Merida! Excpet now I have a New name apperently I'm Chloe, Now and if you don't mind could you to show me how to live a life with a human?" Chloe said Excitedly I barked a slow no. Daisy Meowed a fast NO WAY! Chloe Looked so sad that I had pity for her and said "Okay Fine Chloe but you better listen to me. Okay?" Chloe nodded her puppy head real fast. "Well rule number one in living with humans is don't NOD your head K?" Chloe Nodded her head. This was going to take more work than I thought.
Fern Is super excited for the holidays. So am I! Turns out Chloe is only a little older than Me! so this will be her first Christmas too. Her mother died before Chloe could even properly see. Chloe was born a stray. But the Local Animal shelter found her and her sister May. Her sister died along with her mother. So poor Chloe lived a long sad life alone with other mean big dogs in the shelter until just recently she escaped and that's when Fern found her. Chloe Is actually super Nice. Daisy Still is not fond of her. But Me And Chloe are great Friends We even made up as song about our friendship, You see dogs sing too. Just not as much as humans and not on front of humans. My Mom taught me all these Important facts. The song goes like this: Chow Chow And Chihuahua One Red one White Live together without a bite, Chloe and Sasha liven life very happy not snappy.
Daisy does not appreciate our song. She prefers the song Her and I mad up about our friendship: Cat and Dog best of Friends without any ugly bends, Daisy and Sasha very bright full of clean light.
or when she was teaching us the HUMAN and Dog language which she had learned from her mom and her mom had learned it from her mom and so on... You see Dogs can learn languages 65 times faster than humans so we could learn Human language (our mom had said it was required to learn so we could know what our owners wanted) (Even though some of us dogs still decide to ignore our owners) and Dog language which was quite easy to learn and came quite naturally, we could learn both languages practically fluently in 3 weeks. ) anyway ill tell you more about do language and how it works later. When Bella preformed her ABC's and her DDD's (Dog language) our mother would praise her like crazy saying "Oh how perfect sweetie you know both too well oh oh all the tastiest treats in the world you can say your ABC's and your DDD's better than those treats taste" and when I said my ABC's and DDD's she would say gruffly "Sasha R. WHY oh why can't you say those letters right" Johnny and Max my younger brothers said there ABC's and there DDD's worse than I did so at least that was comforting but they where whole 6 minutes younger than me. and my mother said practically the same thing she said to me about my performance but she was a bit nicer to them it was ridicules I had said my ABC's and my DDD's way better Both Bella and Johnny and Max. Really mom really???
I used to always get really fed up with her but now I live with the Coopers and this is my story, every dog that has a home and human family has a story to tell about how they came to live with that particular family, for instance long story short my best friend Coco ( she is a border terrier mix ) was adopted. She used to live in the streets of Houston, Texas, but the adoption people got her and a whole bunch of other dogs put them in crates- ( I'm assuming you know what crates are ) -and flew them to New York and then her family found her at the adoption center and adopted her, Like I said long story short. My other friend Maya ( she is a pure bred pedigree lowchen ) was picked up by a family at her breeders home. long story short. I like her was picked up at up at a breeders home here is my story:
I was born four blocks away from the Coppers house, in fact my breeders kid (Ruby) was best friends with on of my humans now, his name is Daniel. He is very boyish. Ruby was the sweetest girl I ever met in my life other than My humans now of course. She was very girlish. She was so loving and ooing and ahhing at us. And best of all unlike my mom, she loved me more than my older sister Bella or my two younger brothers Johnny and Max. Johnny and Max fetched even worse than I do according to my mother if you where wondering. Anyway, as I was saying I was born on a freezing cold January Afternoon, 4 minutes after Bella, Johnny and Max where born around 6 minutes after me, Max was born a minute after Johnny. If you are wondering if I liked Johnny or Max more my answer would be that I liked them equally, but Max was just a teeny bit nicer than Johnny. Anyway when Bella Was born our breeders ( Jane & Thomas Thompson ) had gasped Bella was a Gorgeous Blue/Silver Chow chow, When I was born I was a Bright Red chow not as gorgeous. But Jane and Thomas still had ooed at me. But when Max and Johnny where born-, Johnny was a Pure pitch black Chow Chow and Max Was A practically Crystal cream/white chow chow the two of them had looked just like a Ying Yang when had they russelled each other. -Jane and Bill had not said a word but as my mother had put it there eyes and smiles said it all. My mother is A Cinnamon Chow chow and even though I never met my dad my mother told me he was a handsome Pitch Black Chow chow just like Johnny. Anyway We grew up at our Jane and Bills house they had two children, Ruby a red haired beauty, who I already told you about and Charles who I never met but Mother had told us about, She said he had been a boisterous Black haired boy, he was in collage by the time I was born. Anyway we grew up in there /our temporary house long story short till we where 8 weeks old. Then We all found are forever Family's, mother had told us when we where still tiny pups that we wouldn't live with her for very long so we where all prepared for having a new family. Anyway, Beautiful Bella stayed with Mom and the Thompson's, Johnny and Max where taken home by a Family called the Sparrows, or as Max would say it the sparraws'. The sparrows had two Twin girls I believe there names where Tracy and Tara anyway they had been no older than 6 or 7 when they came to take Johnny and Max home. I still remember to this day 4 months later how Excited Johnny and Max had been to get to have a family of two twin girls . Johnny ended up being Tracy's puppy and Max ended up being Tara's puppy. It had been quite a sight seeing Bright Blonde haired twin Tracy with Pitch black Johnny and Dark Black haired twin Tara with White/Cream colored Max. We had all said our goodbyes and before we had known it Johnny and Max where off to go live with their new family the Sparrows (who lived in Vermont very far from NY. I still miss them to this Day.) Anyway I remember thinking that finally It was my turn to find a forever family, and that's when the Coopers all 9 of them stepped through ( Well baby Owen was in Mom Coopers stomach at the time as I had learned shortly after being brought to the Coopers home, our home) the Thompson's Bright Red front door. The first one of them to come pet me was Fern, and she is who am closest to to this very day. Oh how I love that fern from her long brown pigtails to her sweet smelling breath. She had hugged me and kissed me and had kept whispering in my ear that they where going to bring me home, I still remember to this day how sweet and soft and exiting her voice had sounded, a New home! My new home! I had kept licking her sweet smelling face (With my blue tongue which only Chow Chows have and mother is very proud of that) her sweet skin was so delicious to lick. She was the member of the family who had Named me ( Sadie ) I like that name not quite as much as Sasha but still it sounds good SA-D-IE it rolls out on your tongue like a Bark. Anyway back to the story, after fern came to me one by one all 8 of the other coopers sat down my her and started petting me. (Well all except Owen) Here are All the coopers names, From Dad Cooper to Baby Owen. Dad and Mom cooper (there real names are Jack and Sophie ) are the head of the family also the oldest. Although dad Cooper is 3 years older than Mom cooper. Anyway now to the Kid coopers,
Michael who I very faintly remember because he went off to collage
only a week after they Coopers brought me home. All I remember is that he kept saying Wretched, I don't know what that word means to this very day 4 months later I have not heard anyone in my family use it since then. And unfortunately I can't speak dog. But he said it a lot. Wretched Wretched...etc Man sometimes I really wish I could speak human or at least for humans to understand dog. Its a pain not being able to tell Fern and Mabel I love Them, I can only tell it to them with my eyes and my (blue) tongue of course. Anyway back to the subject. After Michael,
Millie is the second oldest and she is going off to collage soon. me and her are sort of close but not super close. She is to old and preppy for me always putting a fresh layer of lipstick on when her old layer wears off. or in her words "Becomes not as' shiny'" although Me and Fern saw no difference between her old coats of lipstick and her new ones. They both looked very red no more no less. oh and Molly also HATES kisses she hates when I lick her who hates kisses! she Has Super long curly Amber Hair, Which she combs a lot!
Daniel Who as I already said is very boyish were are only close because he is good friends with sweet Ruby. he unlike Millie doesn't mind kisses.
Claire Is very shy but also tastes very good when you lick her. She and I are very good friends. except she does not like licking very much. but she likes it more than Millie, she is not preppy Like Millie but rather more into herself and calm she writes lots of interesting stories man some of those stories about dogs blow my mind away, That girl can write! ( at least I think she can you see I can't exactly read...
You see dogs Understand humans but some of us choose to pretend we don't thus humans assume we don't speak their language and just think we respond to COME or TREAT like Stupid heads, ( I learned that frase from Daniel) We understand more than they think we do its just some of us decided to let them believe we only respond to COME or TREAT or GOOD DOG, we can get away from doing way to complicated things. Some humans are learning more and more about us dogs more and more ways to get us to do what they want. I'm not sure if thats good or bad In my opinion I think its good and bad, 1 it invades on our privacy 2 humans are learning to understand us better maybe one day they will learn how to speak dog! its true though when humans use kind loving firm voices we tend to listen to them more than if they yell at us we will most likely wag our tails and do what they say but sometimes even then...... anyway..
Fern Comes after Claire Sweet, Loving Fern. My absolute favorite from the very beginning her and I are the very best of friends. Oh how I love her.
Mabel The chubbiest tastiest toddler in the world of dogs is second to youngest. Her wispy blonde hair is adorable oh and so is her face. We are good friends I believe because she always laughs when I lick her but sometimes I bump her and she falls and she starts to cry but other than that we are besties. her favorite word for me is: fuzzy or sometimes even fuzzy Lion although she says it like this fwusy wion. oh how I LOVE Mabel.
Baby Owen doesn't talk much but he does laugh just like Mabel when I lick him on his face although Mom Cooper doesn't exactly like when I do I wonder why, I don't mean any harm she just says "Oh shew Sadie shew" Her and I are good friends though she only turns mean with the baby Owen accidents. Oh and when go potty inside she HATES when I go potty inside I don't get it humans go potty inside to. Oh humans they are so confusing. She does however give the very best belly rubs. as for Dad Cooper he gives the best head rubs. Those Parent coopers give good rubs.
Anyway that day I said goodbye to Mom and Bella Mom had Smiled at me and said "You are a good pup Sasha Be one with your new family" (The most loving words she ever told me in my whole life) and just like that they had where both gone the last thing I remember was Ruby kissing me on my head and saying "Don't worry Little pup we will see each other again I promise" she had also said that I would see My mom and sister (Bella) again. And since then Me Mom and Bella see each other often. Jane and Thomas and been good breeders kind and Caring they had never raised there voice to us youngsters that is until we went potty inside, again with the getting mad at us for going potty inside, for heavens sake! Anyway, before I left they had both patted me on the head and and said good pup and goodbye. Anyway once we as one Big cooper family as back then once Fern picked me up and we all walked through the big red door I considered myself part of their family now not the Thompson's family not Mom and My siblings family but as a member of the cooper family. What happened after that was a blur they put me in as I now is called a crate, (Back then I had no idea what it was) and we had driven off in a car I only knew what a car was because of vet trips oh those dreaded vet trips although my mom had told us we pups where lucky the vet was so very close (3 minute drive away) the whole 2 year car ride ( at least it seemed to me to years of queasiness although after Fear had told me it had only been 2 minutes) Fern spoke to me softly and said everything was going to be okay ( of how I loved her then ). And it was and Is to this day. Anyway....
Chapter Two ( My Life in the Cooper household)
Well The Coopers had a big secret They where keeping from me. And the second I walked into there house I smelled it quite strongly. Especially on the fuzzy purple rug. It smelled like Cats. How do I know this smell? Well the house next to my breeders home had a Cat that lived in it. But when the cat died they gave my Breeders/Old owners The cats old beds. And even though they washed them before they gave them to us I still had smelled strongly of cat Much to my mothers distain. You see my mother Hates Hates Cats. She had told me So many things about them that I could have practically written a Book all about the behavior of Them. That is if I could Write. Or Read. Or hold a pen in my paw . Dang sometimes I WISH dogs had opposite thumbs. Well here are the things mom told me about cats: 1 They Are Selfish 2 the are Dogs worst enemy 3 they are very Rude. See ( Well it turned out I could not of written a book about cats because I was wrong. It turned out the Coopers Cat turned out to be my best friend) Anyway When I had smelled that cat smell I Ran back to fern and jumped in her arms. She had laughed and said "Are you Scared Bo Bo?" But it was not Fern that figured out what I was Scared about It was Sharper Claire That had figured that out. She had said "Oh I bet she is Scared of Daisy. Puppies are often scared of cats" At first I had not wanted to even go down on the floor, but finally I mustered some courage and finally met Daisy Turned out she was very Nice we are the best of friends to this day. The coopers house was huge there where so many new rooms to explore I will only describe my 4 Favorite rooms to you: The Living Room, Yellow walls one Huge brown sofa, two smaller sofas and one big chair. The Kitchen and Dining room (My personal Favorites ) they both have, White walls, The kitchen has Three granites and One Island, The Dining room has One big Table And the both have plenty of food. : Ferns Bedroom: The Walls are Forest Green. Or Fern Green. (: Her bed is one big fluffy blue mass. and her Turquoise Rug Is perfect. I also like the nursery where Mabel and Baby Owen sleep but due to my licking I am not allowed to go in there anymore. Anyway I think I have told you Enough of Before Let me Know tell you about my life Now.
Chapter Three (NOW) ( OH AND THE NEW PUPPY)
Its Almost Christmas! My first Christmas! Daisy Says Christmas Is in her words: "Very delightful." This is her 8th Christmas. She Says there will be Presents and games and music AND TREATS and best of all.... Decorations! Oh I love decorations. And not because there pretty but because there are so fun to destroy. Daisy Does not agree with me she says: "Destroying things is For Pesky Primates" I don't know why she is so against Primates I find Monkeys quite amusing (Not that I've ever seen one in real life, only on TV). She I Running towards me now. "Sasha, Come quick! There's Something I need to show you!" I Quickly Ran after her my short stubby feet weighing me down. When I finally reached the spot where she was I gasped! She shushed me The sight before me was to unimaginable to behold. A dirty ugly looking small skinny black mutish dog was in the Coopers living room. Fern kept cooing to it saying "Oh you poor, poor, thing! Don't worry you have a home with us coopers, right mama?" Mom Cooper quickly replied "If no one calls for her we can keep her." "Oh thank you mom THANK YOU a Christmas Puppy!" Imagine that. MY Fern. Cooing over and loving a dirty stray that was now going to be considered a Cooper. Daisy shook her head. Her long white fur swishing as she did. (She is a pure white peckanise) "Dirty Creatures have no home here" The dirty mutt looked up at us her eyes where sad and droopy when he heard what we said she began to whine "Oh please Iv'e had the worst life no one to love me or to care for me please let me have a home here even if am muddy and gross" Her accent was unknown I quickly asked her "Is your owner still alive?" she whined back a reply "I never had an owner my mother died long ago" her voice was so sad I took pity on her. Fern Laughed out a remark "Oh I do believe you two are having a conversation. Fern Picked the New puppy up and took him upstairs. Darn upstairs. My legs where to fat and chubby to go up there besides, Daisy had said that I'm not even allowed to go up there. humph but apparently this new DIRTY puppy is allowed to. how is that fair? Daisy watched fern carry the New puppy up the stairs in disgust she licked her self more than usual on the spot as if the dirty New puppy had sprinkled dirt on her. Which it had not. We waited and waited for Fern to come down the stairs, Finally she did. And in her arms There was a small white dog in her arms. I looked around, Where had the dirty mutt gone? and who was this new dog? Fern spoke to us "Hello, Daisy, Sasha Meet the newest member of the family who used to be dirty, Chloe! Chloe the Chiwawa mix" Oh so this clean white dog was the mutt..."Hello I'm Merida! Excpet now I have a New name apperently I'm Chloe, Now and if you don't mind could you to show me how to live a life with a human?" Chloe said Excitedly I barked a slow no. Daisy Meowed a fast NO WAY! Chloe Looked so sad that I had pity for her and said "Okay Fine Chloe but you better listen to me. Okay?" Chloe nodded her puppy head real fast. "Well rule number one in living with humans is don't NOD your head K?" Chloe Nodded her head. This was going to take more work than I thought.
Fern Is super excited for the holidays. So am I! Turns out Chloe is only a little older than Me! so this will be her first Christmas too. Her mother died before Chloe could even properly see. Chloe was born a stray. But the Local Animal shelter found her and her sister May. Her sister died along with her mother. So poor Chloe lived a long sad life alone with other mean big dogs in the shelter until just recently she escaped and that's when Fern found her. Chloe Is actually super Nice. Daisy Still is not fond of her. But Me And Chloe are great Friends We even made up as song about our friendship, You see dogs sing too. Just not as much as humans and not on front of humans. My Mom taught me all these Important facts. The song goes like this: Chow Chow And Chihuahua One Red one White Live together without a bite, Chloe and Sasha liven life very happy not snappy.
Daisy does not appreciate our song. She prefers the song Her and I mad up about our friendship: Cat and Dog best of Friends without any ugly bends, Daisy and Sasha very bright full of clean light.
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