Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The new king of england.

you guessed it I'm going to be talking about my thoughts on RICHARD THE LIONHEARTED.

so ya Richard the lionhearted wanted to take Jerusalem back from Saladin so he set of with the king of France at the duke of Austria but to bad for him cause guess what? he and the king of France quarreled a lot.. soon the king of France decided it would be easier to go back to France than to keep on dealing with Richard. so he left. And then Richard got mad at having the duke of Austria fly his flag next to his own. After all he thought. He was the king and the duke of Austria only a duke. so he made his men take down the flag and through it into the mud and so what do you know? the duke left too. Now Richard had lost all of his allies. So he never got to Jerusalem.  and his brother was trying to take over his throne But on his way back home he took a shortcut through Austria and ran right into the duke of Austria who imprisoned him. there was a lot more but that is the most interesting part. (:

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