Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 👴 "Hi I'm Tom And Me and My friend Tina will be telling you what america most needs" 

👱 "G-day! My names Tina Let's begin!" 

👱 "First thing's first lets address what is wrong with america now to be able to address what we need to fix"

👴 "Yes Exactly Tina Would you like to begin?" 

👱 "Sure I'd love to, Unfortunately america is in a big crisis right now and even though we are still the best nation on earth we are far from perfect, The 2020 elections are coming up soon and While that's something we will address a bit Mainly lets talk about the 3 main problems. 

1. The Government Has grown a lot under president Barack Obama's Rule, Unfortunately that's very bad as the founding fathers wanted it to be as limited and small as possible they wanted the people to work hard and not have to have the government do everything for them. Socialism is one of those horrible things Socialism,   commission, same thing. It means taking money from the hardworking rich and giving to the in many times idle poor. This is not always the case but why Socialism won't work is simply because on a large scale the US. Government forcing Rich to pay high taxes to give the poor only causes inflammation. I know it sound good it might even work for small countries like Finland but on a large scale it is giving the government way to much power and it won't work as it will only make the rich poor and the poor people much poorer just like it has done in countries such as Bulgaria, Russia, China and MANY MORE! it takes poor peoples freedom away and riches. The Socialist and Commonest leaders take freedom away from people and they grow in riches and power there acts where and are as bad or even worse than any king or queen did to a country.

2. Uneducated People.

Unfortunately most of america's citizens are uneducated about what america is really about as the media is a whirlwind of lies. The Constitution is so important to be taught though most kids the rising generation don't know a thing about it. A lot of american citizens think america sucks when really it really is the greatest nation earth, most kids read about history, they read about old times kings, queens death wars, slaves and all the horrible things of the past but never imagine anything of the sort could happen to them when really it is so important not to take america for granted. Or to take freedom for granted.

3. Not understanding what "FREEDOM" Means.

because so many people take america for granted they begin to have different ideas of freedom thinking they should be able to do whatever they like and not have any restrictions when really to have freedom the must be restrictions. While really because people know how to work hard they can get property and improve there lives. and because people are responsible they are free to be in charge of there own actions. And Because People are honest they are free to make good choices and thus find happiness through those good choices. Like In the french reevaluation you can't just get rid of the king to be "FREE" it really just makes you less free.  

Okay well now that we have addressed the 3 main problems in our country Lets talk about how we can improve and help our country, Tom would we like to take off from here?"

👴 "Certainly Tina, I think we can start with simply saying it is so important to teach or children what america stands for and teach the to know how blessed the are to live here because our children are the rising generation, and if they what our founding fathers taught, The Rocks of our foundation which are god and religion, Values and Virtues and The power for people to govern themselves along with more.

Putting it simply good people can help rule and help a country, so if your values and believes are to be honest, Kind, Grateful, Loving, Peacemaking etc you can have happy country if the country is educated in all these good things it will prosper. Its really so simple modern day elections, media and craziness really can fell like a whirlwind, so many problems to be fixed, Global warming, Obese Americans etc.

BUT THE WAY TO HELP AMERICA IS SIMPLY TO BE A GOOD PERSON. LOVE GOD. KNOW HE WILL HELP YOU, HAVE HOPE, HAVE FAITH, BE GRATEFUL! WORK HARD AND HAVE FAITH! because in truth none of us are perfect and we will all make mistakes but if our focus is on good things GOD WILL BLESS AMERICA! many times people will try to be good but without god but without  his help it can be hard. 

If most of our good american people work a little harder and try to be and do a little better with god our nation will rise our problems can be fixed, our worries calmed, Because if we all try to do our best be good, work hard, learn, and grow GOD WILL BLESS AMERICA!"

👱 "Thank You Tom I wholeheartedly agree. And the time to begin being a little better is know so go and do and god will be with you"


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